Golf View Walking Tour
Planner's Luncheon February 2003
What is Univeral Design? February 2003
Affordable Housing Panel Discussion December 2002
Hibiscus Walking Tour April 2002
East Gainesville Master Plan Presentation December 2001
Courthouse Panel Discussion June 2001
Plan East Gainesville Fall 2003
Something Old / Something New April 2003
Alachua Housing Exibit November 2002 - February 2003
March 21 - May 30, 2002 - Campus Visions; UF Master plan and selected projects; FCDC offices
February 21, 2002 - Works in Progress @ the Commerce Building; FCDC offices
Depot Project(s) Exhibit November - December 2001
Gainesville's Gold Exhibit December 2000 - March 2001
Duval Heights
UF Design Guidelines
Edward Waters College Neighborhood
UF Historic Courtyard Charrette
Matheson Center Garden
Flagler County Future Land Use
Arbor House
East Gainesville Master Plan
Depot Avenue Master Plan
5th Avenue - Pleasant Street