Works in Progress: All Over the Map

Responding to general community interest in ongoing and proposed projects, the Florida Community Design Center opened its summer exhibit on July 16, 2002. Included in this exhibit were projects collected from the City of Gainesville and its Community Redevelopment Agency, Alachua County, and the University of Florida. Among projects shown were the new Alachua County Courthouse; the Alachua County Fairgrounds redesign; the redesign of University Avenue between 6th Street and 13th Street; the Depot Park design; the FifthAvenue/ Pleasant Street Master Plan and Gateway design; the Depot Area Master Plan; streetscape elements for the City's three redevelopment districts; the 13th Street charrette studies; the 6th Street redesign proposals; the 17th Street design proposal; the SW Quadrant Parking Garage across SW 2nd Avenue from the new Courthouse; and the UF Football Stadium expansion. July 16-September 15, 2002.