Edward Waters College Neighborhood, Jacksonville, Florida
The historically African -American Edward Waters College, located in northeastern Jacksonville along the old Kings Road, is nearly 150 years old. Like many such inner city institutions, it has followed periods of growth with a gradual decline. Currently the College and surrounding neighborhood, under the direction of new administration and with renewed City interest, are experiencing a renaissance.
UF graduate architecture students, supervised by Professor Kim Tanzer, worked on a semester long study with graduate architecture students from FAMU under the direction of Professor LaVerne Wells-Bowie. The students analyzed the College and surrounding neighborhood's urban and historic character. They also studied African-American culture, history and art, and brought this research to bear on their design proposals. The proposals, ranging from community refurbishment projects, to academic buildings and campus master plans, were presented to the Jacksonville AIA and representatives from Edward Waters College in late April 2002.
MOVIE --(700kb, quicktime player needed)