Friday, March 11

Livin' La Jolla Loca

Since I wasn't able to post a comment on the last blog entry, I thought I'd create an entry of my own. I've been visiting faculty at UCSD for the last two days straight - after 18 conversations, I've signed up three new members! I could barely form a sentence by the end of yesterday's workday, but felt energized from doing real organizing again.

No, this isn't a picture of me with the profs - this morning, when I went running on the beach, I saw dozens of harbor seals rolling around. Apparently, they're "pupping" - or just had gave birth to their baby seals - the babies were also rolling around and every now and then, one would get swept away into the water, and the parents would stop their rolling and chase after them. I don't think I've ever seen anything so sweet.

More office visits to follow this afternoon...I'm really looking forward to vacating in Gainesville next week.