Monday, January 3

Oh Yeah, We Forgot to Tell Ya....

We made it! Sunday night around 8 pm, but we haven't had any reliable internet access (or non-unpacking related energy) so we didn't get to share the glory till now. The figures are still being crunched by our Chief Navigator, Blue, but it looks like we snuck in at about 3029 miles in a little more than 124 hours.

Since then our lives have been consumed with: Sleeping, stopgap grocery shopping (including some Fat Weasel beer. Mmmmm Fat Weasel), unloading boxes, carrying boxes, stacking boxes, eating soup & sandwiches, moving boxes to the basement, opening boxes, unpacking boxes, eating chinese food, unpacking more boxes, breaking down boxes, unpacking more boxes, moving more boxes to the basement, unpacking even more boxes and finally stacking empty boxes.

Mmmm... Boxes.

We're off for San Francisco now, Erika's first BART ride as a California resident, and sometime in the next 24 hours or so, will get to see the happy newlyweds, Jeremy & Shelly, and big Liko (sorry my spelling is so atrocious folks).