Monday, December 27

A Developing Situation

We had hoped to be about 2/3 done loading up the truck by now, but instead I decided to get the 24-foot Uhaul stuck in Joe & Jenny's front yard. Pictures (or reenactments) to follow...

Leaving the Lakehouse

Well, we just left for our trip...after Mark (hereafter known as the "Rubber Mallet") insisted on repacking the entire car + two dogfights. Happily, our fearless navigator, Blue, seems no worse for wear. We're only two hours behind schedule. R.M. made annoying "cattalk" noises all the way out of town (2 pts on the R.M. kill-o-meter).

Brilliant Ideas

Throughout the course of our trip -- all 71 hours or so -- we'll be coming up with some great ideas of how to document the Colossus Crawling West. Some we'll actually follow through on, others will live in infamy in the pantheon of great, but unaccomplished ideas. Here are the first few:

1. The Slowie Gallery -- visually documenting all the cars driving us crazy by going too slow.
2. Jog Log-- how far can Mark run each morning before asking Erika to carry him?
3.Kill-Mark-O-Meter -- Erika rates from 1 to 10, at various fun points throughout the day, how much she wants to kill Mark.

No More Misspellings

The other pages that I made weren't showing up correctly in Windows (there's a surprise), so i put this together quickly. Me and Erika can both post. Stay tuned.