Monday, January 10

Nighttime in Berkeley

Here's an "after" picture of my office at home. Blue is busy planning for our next road trip.

The view from my AAUP office window.

My office at work hasn't yet reached "after" status, but it's still a nice place to work at night and I have a nice view of downtown Berkeley. I'm looking forward to the end of the rainy season already.

Marcus and I just got done with a rousing workout at the 24-hour fitness (!!) club. I think it was a bit much for Marcus - hopefully this'll wipe him out enough that he'll slow down on our bike ride tomorrow (weather permitting). More pictures to come!

At the office

To save Mark some time, I'm posting some pictures of the inside of my house. Here's a picture of my home office - it's actually not this bleak now that it's all set up. I'll probably be spending most of my time - i.e. eating, showering, sleeping at or near my downtown Berkeley office, however, while I'm trying to write my dissertation. I'll post a list of good-eats (for Erica P.) soon...time for lunch!

17,970 Minutes Later...

Mark returns to Gainesville. Whew. Sorry things ground to a halt here as far as posts went but Erika and I were out in Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco, eating great food, seeing friends (Jeremy, Shelly & Liko, Joyce, Marcus), dodging the rain, getting lost on the way to my talk on Universal Health Care, and getting Erika's home and office set up.

Hopefully Erika will chime in from the AAUP office (where I got them further set-up internet-wise). And just so people don't get the wrong idea, I didn't bar E from posting, or devishly switch her password or anything (though we did joke about making a mock entry like that...). Most of the time she was (understandably) frantically unpacking, making to-do lists, figuring out how to get from point A to point B in a new city and things like that, while I was boring all 3 of you with blurry pictures and overuse of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!

Hey, don't forget to send postcards, best-of-2004 tapes, pictures or cookies to Erika at her new (spiffy) address:

Erika Gubrium
5801 Santa Cruz Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804

You can see a picture of the outside of her house here, and I took some "Before" pictures of her office for a potential Before-After series. It's fairly amazing how Erika's unpacked everything and moved into her new house 3,000 miles away basically 12 days after leaving Florida -- while I still haven't fully unpacked since moving into my place 2 years ago.

As Linnie might say...."typical!"

Now if you'll excuse me I have to get up for work in 5 hours. Ugh.