The INDEPENDENT Alligator Controversy (IAC) Document Collection

Stephanie Y. Evans, Ph.D.


Updated November 19, 2006 (updates available at new site location: )

Below are the over 50 documents related to University of Florida controversy around the insensitive reporting and racist cartoons of the Independent Alligator (IA) student newspaper. Though the paper is "independently" funded, campus and community advertising forms its financial base and a boycott was successfully organized to hold the paper accountable for its offensive reporting and racist editorializing. In addtion to editorials of apology, the paper has responded with a call for a TOWN HALL MEETING for November 2, 2006.

During the Spring 2006 semester, the Independent Alligator made strides to connect with a broader base of students. However, the coalition demands were not met, and the cartoonist regained his position. In the Fall  2006 semester, the cartoonist was replaced and new editors signaled a new direction for the paper.

It remains to be seen what the longterm agenda of the IA will bring. With the activism and broad support for the IA Coalition, it is clear is that, thought independently funded, the paper is indeed accountable to the UF campus community, the Gainesville community, and the Gator Nation at large.

This archive serves as a sobering account of the cost of ignorance. As I stated in one of my original letters, history vindicates the just. Let us hope that what this year's editors see fit to print is actually what their many - diverse - constituencies determine is fit to read. 


Chain of Events and Insensitive Reporting, Letters by Angelique Nixon

Coalition against The Independent Florida Alligator - Boycott Letter

Call to Protest - January 20th

Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts - How to Help

The coalition, representing a wide cross-section of people who have historically been targets of the paper, demands a proper and professional apology. The demands also include that the staff learn about diversity issues necessary to offer fair reporting, that the entire paper, not just individual editors, make good faith efforts to eradicate offensive reporting and "opinions" offered, and that they uphold a professional journalism code of ethics. This is NOT about censorship. This is about holding the paper accountable for professionalism and responsible reporting.

After the Independent Alligator editors expressed nominal concern over their reader's protest in September and October, they continued to publish racist and offensive cartoons, including one that referenced killing Native Americans. A January protest was organized: see David Reznik - Student Coalition against Injustice, Press RELEASE: Florida AIM to Demonstrate, call to action, AIM Protest Flyer, and letter from Alesek Institute in Washington State.

Even though the IA editorial board changes every year, the policies about what is fit to print need to be fundamentally revisited to incorporate ethical standards of reporting. The Boycott Coalition will continue efforts until such professional standards are adopted and the necessary apologies for past indecencies are made.

Much has taken place since the Fall 2005 Semester. The Cartoonist is no longer working at the Independent Alligator and the IA has called for a diverse population to write for all sections of the paper, which is a great triumph. However, professional standards suggested by the coalition have not been adopted and an apology to offended groups has not been offered. Clearly the IA staff are making efforts to make better decisions; still the Coalition demands for apology, training, and a professional code of ethics has not been implemented. The Coalition continues to meet and strategize (see IBC Director Darius Bost's call for student leaders to meet), even as they meet with Alligator editors to find resolution.

The Cartoon, Condoleezza Rice, Kanye West, the N-word, and the "RACE CARD"

Dean Terry Mills, Letter to the Editors
Petition from Imani Hope, The University of Florida Chapter, National Council of Negro Women
Open Letter from Angelique Nixon, President of Black Graduate Student Association (BGSO)
Dean Neil Sullivan, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (submitted to IA and Sun, unpublished)
Dr. Telles-Irvin, Vice President for Student Affairs - Offcial University Response
President Bernie Machen, Letter to the Editors

The Second Cartoon - "Insult to Injury"
Dear Editors and Cartoonist, From Dr. Evans
Alligator Editorials - No Apologies
Dr. Terry Mills - Editorial in the Gainesville Sun
Alligator Accountability, From Dr. Evans

Beginning of Protest - First Protest March article - "Did the Cartoonist Go Too Far?
Student Government Resolution
Student Government President, Joe Goldberg, Executive Order
SG President Urges Student Groups and Community Businesses to Stop Advertising

Feedback on Independent Alligator Issue, Selected Letters to Dr. Evans
Florida Postcard, "Negro Meat" - (1847-1919) circulated on student discussion group, Sept 20, 2005

Alligator Responses to Controversy - Individual responses, no formal apology

Vanessa Fabien, Student, Open Letter to UF President Machen
Association of Black Faculty and Staff, Dr. Anthony Greene, President
Alachua County NAACP, Dr. Bowie, President
Alpha Phi Alpha Statement, Ray McKnight President Nu Eta Lambda Chapter
Speak Up Speak Out Rally and Protest March, Marie Denise Jean-Louis, BSU President 
When Cartoons Hurt - Black Unity Forum
Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations (CSRRR), Levin College of Law - Statement

University of Florida Faculty Senate Passes Resolution to Denounce Cartoon - Demands Apology
Brown Daily Herald - Brown University
Community Protest Rally - Justice in Media Coalition and The Alachua County Miniterial Alliance
Community Protest Rally Flyer - Justice in Media Coalition
September 26 Meeting with the Independent Allligator Editorial Staff - Minutes by Vanessa Fabien
September 29 Coalition Meeting Minutes by Vanessa Fabien
The History of the N-Word Flyer - Panel Discussion Advertisement
N-word Forum Goals and N-word Forum Agenda
The Race Card Forum - Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations

As a junior faculty member, writing my letters and participating in an early protest march to support the students was not easy. I give respect to the students, faculty and staff, and especially to student leaders of the Black Student Union, Black Graduate Student Organization, and Give Black for organizing the protest marches. Much respect to Dr. Betty Stewart-Dowdell, the ABFS community, and the entire Dean of Students Office administration and staff for guidance and leadership during this difficult time. I am especially gratefull to Imani Hope, Velouse Dorestin, Lauren Case, and Sharon Burney, the fire behind the UF National Council of Negro Women for showing me what leadership, scholarship, and service can be.