Minutes for September 26, 2005 Meeting With Editor of Independent Alligator Regarding Racial Slurs in Cartoons

I. Meeting from 6:30pm-8:00pm- Darius Bost, IBC Director moderated the discussion.

A.     Editor’s remarks and coalition demands

a.      Mike spoke first and read his letter before Angelique listed her requests.

b.      Angelique Nixon, President of BGSO made a formal request to Alligator Editor on behalf of various student leaders and their organizations. The non-negotiable demands were three. These were the non-negotiable requests:

                                                                          i.      An official apology and retraction printed on the front page of The Alligator in large print that clearly and specifically recognizes the way in which The Alligator has disrespected and offended the UF and Gainesville community recently and in the past.

                                                                        ii.       An official statement printed in The Alligator that makes a sincere promise to the UF and Gainesville community that the editors and staff of The Alligator will maintain a responsible attitude towards this community.

                                                                      iii.       Appoint an Ombudsman.

                                                                       iv.      The recommended requests, but negotiable were:

1.       The Alligator staff ought to participate in diversity and sensitivity forums, especially the cartoonist, so that they can become aware of the complexity of issues dealing with race, gender, class, diversity, and poverty.  Additionally, The Alligator staff should utilize the graduate students and faculty at the University of Florida who can help the paper engage with the complex issues of race, class, minority enrollment, diversity, among others, in an intellectual and professional manner.

2.       Suspension of Cartoonist (some groups don't support this, but others feel strongly about it) (length of time was discussed prior to the meeting - one month without pay, but it was not mentioned at the meeting because we were trying to encourage dialogue and hear what the editor had to say)

c.      In response, Mike agreed that he would issue an apology in the “Opinions” section of the Alligator and that this apology would be from him personally and not reflect the views of his editorial board and other staff members.

d.      Mike agreed to two of the three demands and asserted that a retraction would mean nothing to the members of the editorial board and that a retraction would censor the journalists within the Alligator.

e.      Everyone in the room was allotted two minutes to speak their piece on the issue.

f.        After a brief discussion of demands, Angelique asserted “Until these requests are met, we are prepared to support and maintain a boycott against the Alligator in which we are asking local business and the entire UF community to remove and stop advertising in The Alligator.”

g.      Krystal asked Mike, the editor who gives the final permission for printed materials and cartoons

                                                                          i.      Mike responded that he was the final person to give permission on all printed materials and cartoons before they go into print

h.      Krystal then asked Mike if he saw anything wrong with printing the “n” word in the cartoon

                                                                          i.      Mike responded, by saying “no I didn’t”


B.     Meeting officially adjourned with Mike agreeing to incorporate the list of demands, and the sentiments shared within the meeting in his personal apology.


C.    After a meeting with editors from the Independent Alligator
(IA) on Monday, September 26, organization leaders voted to
support a continuation of the boycott issued by the Student
Government President Executive Order. They will continue asking
campus and local businesses to withhold funding from the
Independent Alligator. [Executive Order

c.      Alternative ads for campus and local businesses can be placed in the College edition of the Gainesville Sun as a way to reach the community. Call 352-372-4222.


       d. Groups from diverse populations are encouraged to participate    

      In defining an organizational strategy to carry out the boycott  

      and to continue conversations with the Independent Alligator. A
      multitude of voices are needed to be representative of the IA's
      historic problems with student and minority groups. A coalition
      meeting is also needed to organize other plans of action, to  

      bring to the table what has already been done, to collect lists of

      companies and student orgs that advertise in the IA, to agree   

      on standard language and procedures governing the boycott,

      and to share other ideas for plans of action that involve the 

      Gainesville community.

1.      Lydia agreed to email other organizational leaders about the meeting on Thursday.

2.      Velouse is working on the agenda for next meeting


E.     Leaders agreed to wait for Mike’s apology and meet after it is printed in the Alligator                                                                                                e. Leaders present agreed for the next meeting time of Thursday, September 29, 2005, at 5pm in the Institute of Black Culture

II. Things to think About for the Next Meeting

A. List of Tasks Completed
B. List of Tasks To Be Completed
C. Division of Labor
D.  Deadlines for Significant Tasks
E.  Please note that the headquarters for all of the information on this matter will be housed in the African American Studies Program. This makes access to the information readily available to all of us working on this initiative.
F. Keep the fight alive. Remember to not waste time and energy on an emotional fight. Remain focused on the issue.  Your hard work and determination will positively impact the lives of future generations. Everyone is significant in this initiative. Support one another.

