N-Word Forum
Goals: To promote a better understanding of how we use the N-Word, including the use of the word throughout history and in today’s pop culture.
To evaluate the factors that led to the numbing towards this word in some sectors of the UF community.
To determine what measures can be taken to maintain or eradicate the usage of this word within the UF community.
Dr. Terry Mills (Associate Dean, CLAS and Sociology Professor)
Dr. Faye Harrison (Professor of African-American Studies and Anthropology)
Mike Gimignani (Editor, The Independent Alligator)
Dr. Stephanie Evans (African-American Studies Professor), if possible
Dr. Gene Zdziarski (Dean of Students), if possible
Jamell Johnson J-Dash, Slap Dash Productions, College producer
The program will take place in the J.W. Reitz Union Auditorium on October 11, 2005. Panelists will arrive at 6:00 PM for brief introductions and a 15-minute overview and discussion. The official program will begin at 6:30 PM with an introduction of panelists.
The first part of the program will address the origin and history of the N-Word. This is where the expertise of Drs. Harrison, Mills, and Evans will be of most benefit to the program. The second part will address the word’s usage in pop culture and the word’s relevance in the UF community across all sectors of the population. This is where Alligator Editor Gimignani, various student leaders, and rap artists will present today’s usage of the word. The third and final part is a discussion between the panelists to discuss the positive steps towards resolving the current situation (with both the use of the N-word in the newspaper and in the community.) Dr. Zdziarski will begin this part by addressing the university stance on this issue. In the final part, input from the community will be very important so that the resolve will be not just with those on the panel but in the university community as a whole.
The program will end at 8:00 PM.