October 29, 2006


The staff of the Independent Florida Alligator cordially invites you to attend our town hall forum, Thursday Nov. 2, at 6:15 p.m.


The editors and editorial board from the largest student-run paper in the country will join Hugh Cunningham professor for journalism excellence, Mike Foley, to discuss the critical issues facing the Alligator and the UF community.  The panel will also feature special guest Keith Woods of the Poynter Institute, a nationally renowned expert on diversity.


While independent from the university, the Alligator knows full well that it cannot go very far without the support and trust of its readership.  The paper constantly strives to provide transparency and accessibility to the community.  The forum offers an opportunity to meet the editors face to face, to ask questions and offer suggestions.


The editors have made special arrangements to attend and are very interested in what you have to say. 


The forum will be held in Gannett Auditorium at the journalism college, 1074 Weimar Hall.  For more information, call the newsroom at (352) 376-4458.






Mike Jayne
