We, the students of the University of Florida, Hereby Resolve:




AUTHOR:      Black Student Union President Marie Denise Jean-Louis, Pride Student Union Vice President Adelle Fontanet, Black Student Union Chief of Staff Emmanuel Fortune, STAAR Director Ruan Cox, Senator Whitney Howzell, Senator Keeshie Hill, Senator Kevin Bacon, Senator Ryan Nelson, Senate President Pro-Tempore John Boyles


SPONSORS:  Senator Whitney Howzell, Senator Keeshie Hill, Senator Kevin Bacon, Senator Ryan Nelson, Senator Adelle Fontanet, Senate President Pro-Tempore John Boyles




WHEREAS,  Freedom of speech and expression remains one of the most valued and

most basic of human freedoms, guaranteed by the United States Constitution; and


WHEREAS,  With any exceedingly valuable and influential freedom, there must be an

equally extraordinary sense of responsibility and care; and


WHEREAS,  Discrimination and racism have ravaged our nation and destroyed

communities throughout our short history; and


WHEREAS,  The University of Florida stands as a bastion of education and diversity

which encourages our generation to grow in our understanding, tolerance,

and ability to build a greater community; and


WHEREAS,  The students of the University of Florida establish in our Constitution that

we desire to “maintain academic freedom, academic responsibility, and student rights,” “improve student cultural, social, and physical welfare,” “help promote national and international understanding and fellowship at the student level,” “and foster the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of student to the school, the community, and to humanity;” and


WHEREAS,  the caption of the front page picture on September 13, 2005 in the

Independent Florida Alligator displays ignorance as to how some members of our community are identified; and


WHEREAS,   The Editorial cartoon in the Independent Florida Alligator on September

13, 2005 and the successive reactions of the staff of this publication exude an irresponsible attitude towards our community through the use of a racial slur and an unnecessary attack on one of our nation’s top leaders, and


WHEREAS,   The Opinions Editor of the Independent Florida Alligator has responded

to the events by stating that if she should be faced with this same decision at a later date, she would approve a similar cartoon; and


WHEREAS,   The Independent Florida Alligator is a part of our community and as such

bears the responsibility to help build up our community instead of tearing it down through what has been touted as freedom of speech; then


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the students of the University of Florida that we oppose discrimination and racism of every form and demand respect for our community as well as the elimination of ignorance in cultural issues; and


THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the students of the University of Florida that we call for a public apology from the editorial staff of the Independent Florida Alligator for the content of the publication on September 13, 2005; and


THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED by the authors of this resolution that we encourage the community to educate themselves on these issues and that we plan to educate the community through a letter writing campaign encouraging all parties in our community, including student groups, the University of Florida administration, and local businesses, to understand the attitude and actions that have been displayed by the Independent Florida Alligator and to appropriately discontinue their advertisement in this publication.