In an effort to continue the mission embodied by the title “Unions of Blackness” the forum entitled “When Cartoons Hurt” that was scheduled for tomorrow night September 21st @ 6:30 pm at the IBC will be changed to CSE 121 in an effort to combine with Progressive Black Men and Sistuhs, Inc who had already scheduled a Black Unity Forum for the same night.  We will still have the mission to express our feeling of hurt, anger, and sadness surrounding the Alligator Cartoon which will be facilitated by Dr. Shari Robinson of the Counseling Center, but in our discussion towards further movement we will also discuss how to further solidify our unified efforts as not only black student, staff, and faculty organization but also as a UF and Gainesville community against the Alligator and any other issues that may occur.  So please inform your respective groups asap about the change of venue and the correct time. (CSE 121 @ 6:30 pm on Wednesday September 21st)




Darius R. Bost

Director, Institute of Black Culture

Dean of Students Office

University of Florida

P202 Peabody Hall

P.O. Box 114075

Gainesville, FL 32611-4075