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Guillermo A. Baigorria

Assistant-In Research Scientist


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Scopus Author ID:                6507360092
    thomSon Researcher ID:    A-7859-2008    
-Index:                                    6
    Peer-review papers
    Books, book chapter’s and CD-Rom
    Non peer-review papers
    In preparation

A. Theses            (BACK TO TOP)

Baigorria, G.A. 2005. Climate interpolation for land resources and land use in mountainous regions. Ph.D. dissertation. Wageningen University, Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 168 p. April 19th 2005. ISBN:  90-8504-238-0.

Baigorria, G.A. 1996. Development of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)) Agroclimatic Model. M.Sc. thesis. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Post Graduate School, Lima, Peru. 139 p. October 25th 1996. (http://orton.catie.ac.cr/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/?IsisScript=INPERUPE.xis&method=post&formato=2&cantidad=1&expresion=mfn=010691) .

Baigorria, G.A. 1994. Quantification of the Potential Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients (Kc) Determination for Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam)) for La Molina and Yurimaguas. Thesis of Meteorologist. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Physics and Meteorology Department, Lima, Peru. 131 p. July 8th, 1994. (http://orton.catie.ac.cr/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/?IsisScript=INPERUPE.xis&method=post&formato=2&cantidad=1&expresion=mfn=006078).

B. Peer-review papers  

Journal of Climate

GiST, A stochastic model for generating spatially and temporally
correlated daily rainfall data

Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones.
Journal of Climate, In press
Agronomy Journal
Forecasting cotton yield in the southeastern USA using
coupled global circulation models

Baigorria, G.A., M. Chelliah, K.C. Mo, C.C. Romero, J.W. Jones,
J.J. O'Brien and R.W. Higgins.

Agronomy Journal, 102(1): 187-196
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

Assessing maize and peanut yield simulations with varios seasonal climate data in the Southeastern United States

Shin, D.-W., G.A. Baigorria, Y.-K. Lim, S. Coke, T.E. LaRow, J.J. O’Brien
and J.W. Jones

Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49(4): 592-603
doi: 10.1175/2009JAMC2293.1
Agricultural Water Management

Comparison between the actual and the theoretical irrigation requirement
for ridge citrus in Southwest Florida

Romero, C.C., M.D. Dukes, G.A. Baigorria and R. Cohen
Agricultural Water Management, 96(3): 473-483

International Journal of Climatology

Use of indices of climate variability to predict corn yields in the southeast USA
Martinez, C.J., G.A. Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones
International Journal of Climatology, 29(11): 1680-1691

Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

Assessing predictability of cotton yields in the Southeastern United States based on regional atmospheric circulation and surface temperatures
Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Hansen, N. Ward, J.W. Jones and J.J. O’Brien
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47(1): 76-91

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Potential predictability of crop yield using an ensemble climate forecast by a regional circulation model
Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones and J.J. O'Brien
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(8-9): 1353-1361

Climate Research

Assessing uncertainties in crop model simulations using daily bias-corrected regional circulation model outputs
Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones, D.-W. Shin, A. Mishra and J.J. O’Brien
Climate Research, 34(3): 211-222

Climatic Change

Changes of erosive rainfall for El Niño and La Niña years in the northern Andean Highlands of Peru
Romero, C.C., G.A. Baigorria and L. Stroosnijder
Climatic Change, 85(3-4):343-356

International Journal of Climatology
Understanding rainfall spatial variability in the southeast USA
Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones and J.J. O’Brien
International Journal of Climatology, 27(6):749-760
Environmental Modelling & Software

Assessment of erosion hotspot in a watershed: integrating the WEPP model and GIS
in a case study in the Peruvian Andes

Baigorria, G.A. and C.C. Romero
Environmental Modeling and Software, 22(8):1175-1183

Interrill and rill erodibility in the northern Andean Highlands
Romero, C.C., L. Stroosnijder and G.A. Baigorria
Catena, 70(2):105-113

Proceedings of the Florida State Horticulture Society
Spatial analysis of freeze events in Florida
C.W. Fraisse, G.A. Baigorria and T.B. Pathak
Proceedings of the Florida State
Horticulture Society, 119: 94-99.

International Journal of Climatology

Atmospheric transmissivity: distribution and empirical estimation around Central Andes
Baigorria, G.A., E.B. Villegas, I. Trebejo, J.F. Carlos, and R. Quiroz
International Journal of Climatology, 24(9):1121-1136

Effects of atmospheric environment on the sweetpotato crop (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam))
Baigorria, G.A.
Journal of Anales Cientificos de la UNALM. Ediagraria. 32(2): 96-114.

Quantification of potential evapotranspiration at La Molina and Yurimaguas
Baigorria, G.A.
Journal of Anales Científicos de la UNALM. Ediagraria. In Press


C. Books, book chapter’s and CD-Rom            (BACK TO TOP)

Baigorria, G.A. and C.C. Romero. Chapter 15th: Applications of Climatic Resources in Mountainous Regions. In: WMO No. 134: Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices. 3rd edition. Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (CAgM) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Geneva, Switzerland. In Press.

Cabrera, V.E., D. Solís, G.A. Baigorria, and D. Letson. 2009. Chapter 7th: Managing Climate Variability in Agricultural Analysis. In: Long, J.A. and Wells D.S. (Eds). Ocean Circulation and El Niño: New Research. p. 163-179. Nova Science Publishing, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 978-1-60692-084-8

Baigorria, G.A., 2007. Chapter 11th: Assessing the use of seasonal-climate forecasts to support farmers in the Andean Highlands. p. 99-110. In: M.V.K. Sivakumar and J.W. Hansen. (Eds). Climate prediction and agriculture: Advances and Challenges. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-540-44649-1; doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-44650-7_11

Quiroz, R., C. León-Velarde, R. Valdivia, P. Zorogastua, G.A. Baigorria, C. Barreda, J. Reinoso, M. Holle, and H. Li Pun. 2003. Making a difference to Andean livelihoods through an integrated research approach. pp 111–122. In: Harwood, R.R., and A.H. Kassam (Eds). Research Towards Integrated Natural Resources Management: Examples of research problems, approaches and partnerships in action in the CGIAR. Rome.

National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (SENAMHI-DGIA) – Executive Office of the Energy and Mines Ministry (DEP/MEM). 2003. Peruvian Atlas of Solar Energy. In Spanish. Project PER/98/G31. LimaPeru. 31 p. and 42 maps.

Baigorria, G.A., C.C. Romero and M. Olivares. 2002. Himalayan Andean collaborative watershed project: La Encañada and Tambomayo Watersheds, Cajamarca, Peru. Disk 7 of 9. [CD-ROM]. CIP – PRONAMACHCS – WURC – UNAML – CONDESAN. Sponsored by the International Development Research Center (IDRC).

Llerena, D., N. Clavijo, D. Yanggen, G. Baigorria, P. Arellano and J. Jimenez. 2002. Trade off Analysis as support of policy makers. [CD-ROM]. SM-CRSP/Montana State University/WURC/INIAP/CIP.

D. Non peer-review papers            (BACK TO TOP)

Baigorria, G.A., and J.W. Jones. 2009. GiST, a model for generating spatial-temporal daily rainfall data. Publication of the Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC-09-002, Gainesville, FL.

Cabrera, V.E., D. Solís, G.A. Baigorria, G.A., and D. Letson. 2009. Managing climate risk to agriculture: Evidence from El Niño. Publication of the Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC-09-001, Gainesville, FL.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones and J.J. O’Brien. 2006. Predicting crop yields using an ensemble of forecasts from a regional climate model. Publication of the Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC-06-008, Gainesville, FL.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones, D.-W. Shin, A. Mishra and J.J. O’Brien. 2006. Assessing uncertainties of using daily data outputs from regional numerical climate models as inputs into crop simulation models. Publication of the Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC-06-007, Gainesville, FL.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Hansen, N. Wards, J.W. Jones and J.J. O’Brien. 2006. Regional atmospheric circulation and surface temperatures predicting cotton yields in the southeastern USA. Publication of the Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC-06-005, Gainesville, FL.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones and J.J. O’Brien. 2006. Understanding spatial variability of rainfall in the southeast USA at different timescales. Publication of the Southeast Climate Consortium Technical Report Series: SECC-06-004, Gainesville, FL.

Bowen, W.T., G.A. Baigorria, R. Jaramillo and L. Sarmiento. 2001. Simulation of potato growth in the Andes. In: L. Sarmiento (Ed.). Proceedings of the IV Internacional Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Andes: Fertility regulation in Tropical Andean Agroecosystems. November 25th to December 2nd 2001. Merida. Venezuela.

Baigorria, G.A., W.T. Bowen and J.J. Stoorvogel. 2001. Estimating the spatial variability of weather in mountain environments. pp. 371–378. In: Scientist and farmer: partners in research for the 21st century. CIP Program Report 1999-2000.

Quiroz, R, P. Zorogastúa, G.A. Baigorria, C. Barreda, R. Valdivia, M. Cruz y J. Reinoso. 2001. Towards a dynamic definition of agroecological zones using modern information technology tools. pp. 361-370. In: Scientist and farmer: partners in research for the 21st century. CIP Program Report 1999-2000.

Baigorria, G.A. and W.T. Bowen. 2000. A process-based model for spatial interpolation of extreme temperatures and solar radiation. In Proceedings – Third International Symposium on Systems Approaches for Agricultural Development [CD-ROM computer file]. CIP, Lima, Peru.

Bowen, W., G.A. Baigorria, V. Barrera, P. Cordova, P. Muck and R. Pastor. 1999. A process-based model (WEPP) for simulating soils erosion in the Andes. pp. 403 – 408. In: CIP Program Report 1997-1998.

Bowen, W., H. Cabrera, V. Barrera and G.A. Baigorria, 1999. Simulating the response of potato to applied nitrogen. pp. 381-386. In: CIP Program Report 1997-1998.

Baigorria, G.A., 1996. 'Aquiculture Calendar and Water Balance'. UNALM, Faculty of Science.

Agrometeorological Basic Data for Agricultural Research. CIP. Editor. 1989 - 1992. 57 bulletins published.

E. Abstracts            (BACK TO TOP)

Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones. 2010. A geospatial-temporal weather generator (GiST) for use in regional climate change simulation and optimization processes. In: Proceedings of the Conference Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change. Gainesville, FL,  February 2010. Oral Session.

Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones. 2010. GiST, A model for generating spatial-temporal daily rainfall data. In: Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the AMS. Atlanta, GA,  January 2010. Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences. Oral Session II-2.6.

Shin, D.-W., G.A. Baigorria, Y.K. Lim, S. Cocke, T. LaRow, J.J. O'Brien, and J.W. Jones . 2010. Assessing crop yield simulations with various seasonal climate data. In: Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the AMS. Atlanta, GA,  January 2010. Applied Climatology. Oral Session I-3.4.

Lim, Y.-K., L. Stefanova, D.-W. Shin, S. Cocke, S. Chan, V. Misra, G.A. Baigorria, J.J. O'Brien, and J.W. Jones . 2010. Multi-model (dynamical and statistical) high-resolution seasonal climate forecasting system: An application to the southeast US. In: Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the AMS. Atlanta, GA,  January 2010. Climate Variability and Change. Oral Session II-5A.1.

Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones. 2009. GiST: A new geospatio-temporal weather generator. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop. Norman, OK. March 2009. Oral Session 5: Regional Climate Modeling Application.

Shin, D.-W., G.A. Baigorria, S. Cocke, Y. Lim, T. LaRow, and J.J. O'Brien. 2009. Sensitivity of crop yields to various weather data. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop. Norman, OK. March 2009. Oral Session 5: Regional Climate Modeling Application.

Hernandez, J., S. Hwang, G.A. Baigorria,  K.T. Ingram, J.W. Jones, and W. Graham. 2009. Decadal land use change and regional climate modeling experiments applied to water management: West Central Florida case study. In: Proceedings of the 7th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop. Norman, OK. March 2009. Oral Session 5: Regional Climate Modeling Application.

Baigorria, G.A., D.W. Shin, J.W. Jones, J.L. Hernandez, and J.J. O’Brien. 2009. Assessing the influence of land development patterns on regional climate using regional circulation models. In: Proceedings of the 89th Annual Meeting of the AMS. Phoenix, AZ, LA. January 2009. Climate Variability and Change Poster Session II-P2.3.

Hernandez, J.L., S. Hwang, G.A. Baigorria, J.W. Jones, and W. Graham. 2008. Sensitivity analysis of high resolution regional climate model outputs to 1993-2003 changes in land surface characteristics: Central Florida Case Study. In: Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 2008.

Baigorria, G.A., and J.W. Jones. Geospatio-temporal weather generator based on correlation matrix factorization. In: Proceedings of the International Annual Meeting of ASA/CSSA/SSSA/GSA/GCAGS/HGS. Houston, TX. October 2008. Session 702-4.

Romero, C.C., and Baigorria, G.A. The effect of temperature on sweetpotato growth and development. In: Proceedings of the International Annual Meeting of ASA/CSSA/SSSA/GSA/GCAGS/HGS. Houston, TX. October 2008. Session 534-201. Poster.

Baigorria, G.A., D.W. Shin, J.W. Jones, and J.J. O'Brien. Influence of land development patterns on rainfall and temperature in the Southeastern USA. In: Prooceedings of the Climate Information for Management Risk (CIRM). St. Pete Beach, FL 2008. Session: Extension and Application of Climate Information for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Poster.

Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones. Geospatio-temporal daily rainfall data generation. In: Prooceedings of the Climate Information for Management Risk (CIRM). St. Pete Beach, FL 2008. Session: State of Knowledge on Climate Variability and Climate Change at Seasonal, Decadal, and Multi-Decadal Time Scales. Poster.

Romero, C.C., M.D. Dukes, G.A. Baigorria, and R. Cohen. Using climate information to determine irrigation requirements for citrus in Florida. In: Prooceedings of the Climate Information for Management Risk (CIRM). St. Pete Beach, FL 2008. Session: Extension and Application of Climate Information for Agriculture and Natural Resources. Poster.

Shin, D.-W., S. Cocke, Y-K. Lim, T.E. LaRow, G.A. Baigorria, and J.J. O'Brien. Probabilistic crop yield simulations over the Southeast US using global and regional climate model products. In: Prooceedings of the Climate Information for Management Risk (CIRM). St. Pete Beach, FL 2008. Session: Impacts of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Russo, S.E., E. Rivero, Romero, C.C., and G.A. Baigorria. Uncertainties in the Argentinean wheat production due to climatic change scenarios. In: Prooceedings of the Climate Information for Management Risk (CIRM). St. Pete Beach, FL 2008. Session: Impacts of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Poster.

Shin, D.-W., S. Cocke, T.W. LaRow, Y.-K. Lim, G.A. Baigorria, and J.J. O'Brien. 2008. Interannual crop yield simulations over the southeast US using a regional climate model. In: Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Orlando, FL 2008. Session 9: Atmospheric Modeling and Data Assimilation of Land-Surface Climate Interactions.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones, and J.J. O'Brien. Changes in rainfall patterns in the Southeast USA. In: Proceedings of the UF-Water Institute Symposium. Sustainable Water Resources: Florida Challenges, Global Solutions. Gainesville, FL 2008. Session: Climate Variability & Climate Change Factors Impacting Water Resource Sustainability.

Baigorria, G.A., C.C. Romero, and J.W. Jones. Geospatial and temporal daily rainfall data generation. In: Proceedings of the UF-Water Institute Symposium. Sustainable Water Resources: Florida Challenges, Global Solutions. Gainesville, FL 2008. Session: Climate Variability & Climate Change Factors Impacting Water Resource Sustainability.

Baigorria, G.A., M. Chelliah, C.C. Romero, K.C. Mo, J.W. Jones, J.J. O’Brien, and R.W. Higgins. 2008. Forecasting cotton yields over the southeastern US using NOAA/NCEP/Climate Forecast System. In: Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the AMS. New Orleans, LA. January 2008. Climate Variability and Change Poster Session II-P3.6.

Shin, D.-W., S. Cocke, Y.-K. Lim, T.E. LaRow, G.A. Baigorria, and J.J. O'Brien. 2008. Interannual crop yield simulations over the southeast US using global and regional climate models products. In: Proceedings of the Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop. Chapel Hill, NC 2008. Session 10: Agriculture and forecasts.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones, and J. J. O'Brien. 2007. Coping with the uncertainty of using a probabilistic regional circulation model forecast ensemble in predicting simulated crop yields. In: Proceedings of the International Annual Meeting of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. New Orleans, LA. November 2007. Session 34-7.

Romero, C.C., M.D. Dukes, K.T. Morgan, R. Cohen, and G.A. Baigorria. 2007. Comparison between the actual irrigation and the theoretical irrigation requirement for ridge citrus in southwest Florida. In: Proceedings of the International Annual Meeting of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. New Orleans, LA. November 2007. Session 139-13.

Baigorria, G.A., 2007. Forecasting cotton yields over the southeastern US using NOAA NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data and NOAA NCEP/CPC Coupled Forecast System. In: Proceedings of the NOAA 32nd Climate Diagnostic and Prediction Workshop. Tallahassee, FL. October 2007.

Baigorria, G.A. 2007. Forecasting cotton yields over the southeastern US using NCEP Coupled Forecast System. In: NOAA/NCEP/Climate Prediction Center Seminars. August 9. NOAA Science Center. 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Hansen, N. Ward, and J.J. O’Brien. 2007. Regional atmospheric circulation and surface temperatures predicting cotton yields in the southeastern USA. In: Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the AMS. San Antonio, TX. January 2007. Applied Climate Poster Session I-P1.4.

Baigorria, G.A., C.C. Romero, and J. Stoorvogel. 2006. Added value of using climate variability for mapping Andean volcanic ash soils. In: Proceedings of the International Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Indianapolis, IN. November 2006. Session 194-2.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Jones, J.J. O’Brien. 2006. Understanding rainfall spatial variability in the Southeast USA at different time scales. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Indianapolis, IN. November 2006. Session 231-1.

Baigorria, G.A., J.W. Hansen, N. Ward, J.W. Jones, J.J. O’Brien. 2006. Regional atmospheric circulation and surface temperatures prediction cotton yields in the Southeastern USA. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Indianapolis, IN. November 2006. Session 141-5.

Romero, C.C. and G.A. Baigorria. 2006. Assessment of erosion hotspots in a watershed: Integrating the WEPP model and GIS in a case study of the Peruvian Andes. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Indianapolis, IN. November 2006. Session 292-10.

Valdivia, C., R. Quiroz, P. Zorogastua and G.A. Baigorria. 2002. Climate variability, Andean livelihood strategies, development and adaptation in the Andean region. In: Abstracts: 2002 Spring meeting AGU/EUG/GS/MSA. Washington DC. May 2002.

Baigorria, G.A., C.C. Romero, J.J. Stoorvogel and W.T. Bowen. 2001. Tools for climate risk assessment in mountain agriculture. In: Abstracts of the “Third International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry”. Denver, Colorado. November 2001.

Zorogastúa, P., G.A. Baigorria, R. Quiroz, Y. Rojas, y E. Malpartida. 2001. Assessing pasture production through combining vegetation index and a crop growth model. In: Abstracts of the “Third International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry”. Denver, Colorado. November 2001.

Baigorria, G.A., W.T. Bowen, and J.J. Stoorvogel. 2000. Climate/Weather interpolation: A process-based spatial interpolation model. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Minneapolis, MN. November 2000. p. 421.

Baigorria, G.A., J.J. Stoorvogel, and W.T. Bowen. 2000. Spatial-interpolation rainfall model based on topography and wind circulation. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Minneapolis, MN. November 2000. p. 421.

Antle, J., G.A. Baigorria, V. Barrera, W. Bowen, C. Crissman, C. Romero, J. Stoorvogel and D. Yanggen. 2001. Impacts of terracing, agroforestry, and irrigation on the sustainability of the crop-livestock system of the Peruvian Andes: An application of the Tradeoff Analysis approach. Workshop: Integrated Management for sustainable agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. 28-31 August, CIAT.

Quiroz, R., P. Zorogastúa, M. Cruz, G. Baigorria, C. Leon-Velarde. 2000. Role of innovations in information technology (GIS, Remote sensing, Simulation) for monitoring and implementing sustainable land use systems in the Andes. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Minneapolis, MN. November 2000. p. 421.

Quiroz, R., P. Zorogastúa, G. Baigorria, C. Ibarra, M. Cruz, C. Leon-Velarde. 2000. Using remote sensing and GIS to model agricultural processes at multiple spatial scales. In: Proceedings of the Annual meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Minneapolis, MN. November 2000. p. 421.

Quiroz, R., M. Cruz, P. Zorogastua, G. Baigorria, C. Romero and C. Leon-Velarde. 2000. Perspective on the use of temporal and geo-spatial information in the generation and transfer of agrotechnology. Invitation conference. Bodas de Plata del instituto de investigacion agropecuaria de Panama. August 2000. David, Panama.

F. Submitted            (BACK TO TOP)

Baigorria, G.A., Y.-K. Lim, J.W. Jones and J.J. O'Brien. Downscaling Global Circulation Models for its Use at Local and Regional Levels. Submitted to WMO-SECC book publication, April 2009.

Baigorria, G.A. and J.W. Jones. GiST, A model for generating geospatio-temporal rainfall data. Submitted to Journal of Climate. November 2009.

G. In preparation            (BACK TO TOP)

Baigorria, G.A., D.-W. Shin, J.W. Jones and J.J. O'Brien. Assessing the influence of land development patterns on regional climate using regional circulation models. To be submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.

Baigorria, G.A., D.-W. Shin, C.H. Porter, J.W. Jones and J.J. O'Brien. Advances in coupling regional circulation/land surface models and dynamic crop models. To be submitted to Journal of Climate.


This page is maintained by Guillermo A. Baigorria.
Please email gbaigorr@ifas.ufl.edu with any questions or comments pertaining to this site.
This site was last updated on June 23, 2010.