Tuesday, January 18

1st day of work

Here are my pleasant colleagues, welcoming me to my first day of official AAUP work. I can't wait to start organizing!

Guess it'll be a while though. Things don't really start until I muddle my way through this - and that's only after I attempt to set up a new email account on outlook (ugh).

I'm off to get my hair cut!

Two hours later...
Just got back from getting my hair cut - I think I like this new place. Here's my new 'do.

As you can see, I now have bangs!


mark said...

OUTLOOK?!?!! WTF? why do you have to use that piece of crap?

5:22 PM  
erika said...

I'm trying to avoid it at ALL costs - this means that I'm going to have to begin to navigate Netscape mailbox, which seems like the lesser evil. For now, I'm more concerned with getting my user name changed from grubrium.

7:17 PM  
erica p. said...

Hmmmm....we won't have to use outlook in the GAU office if we get a mac......

7:47 PM  
mark said...

Funny, that's what my hair looks like too -- but without the bangs...

But why do you have to use Outlook or Netscape either way? (you too Erica P). Outlook's just a program. Is it b/c the AAUP has their mail on an exchange server? If not all you have to do is set up Mail to receive it.

This bears watching -- i have to use outlook at the library and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Which you aren't obvs.

While I'm here poking around (tomorrow I may make a guest appearance on CCW...), i found this Erika which you may eventually find useful.

Jay Farrar -- as you may know -- is next friday (21st) at the Great Amer. Music Hall, same place as that Tsunami benefit...

Noise Pop 2005 looks to have many great bands comin' your way too -- Mates of State, Bettie Serveert, Ted Leo, Joanna Newsom... stupid Gainesville. All we get is Lucero and Drive By Truckers.

Though tonight is the "record release" for what will likely end up as #9 on my Favorite Records of 2004 list, so we've got that going for us.

8:46 PM  
erika said...

I actually told my hairdresser that I had round-head. Then I felt silly. I may try to recruit Marcus to the Jay Farrar show, but isn't it going to be all the same stuff he did last time or is this supposed to be w/ a backup band? I think that the AAUP stuff is on some sort of exchange server - blecchh - but am still going to see if I can't use Netscape b/c Marcus and Fernanda do so. Then again, if I can use Netscape, why not macmail?? But my macmail's screwed up, as you remember, Mark. Perhaps I'll put in a tech request tomorrow.

8:56 PM  
La said...

Why not use Eudora? I guess I'm an email simpleton without the snobby Apple predilictions--although, I want a Mac too.

8:06 AM  

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