AOF's Financial Internship Program

   During the summer between their junior and senior year, Academy students complete a 150-hour-on-the-job paid internship in the financial services industry. Local employers evaluate and select students for these paid internships.

   The financial internship course provides the students with the opportunity to demonstrate human relations, communications, and employability skills necessary for entry-level employment in the financial services industry. Additionally, it will enhance the instruction and competencies developed through classroom teaching. This financial internship is offered to run during the summer months or during the senior year.

   Western High School students will complete the internship and it will count as an honors course. Students will have to compile a portfolio after they complete the internship. This looks fantastic on any college application or resume and is encouraged for all academy members.

Click here to read other students' testimonials from the internship program.

    Internship Portfolio

Click here to read about the requirements and portfolio assignment for the internship course. This packet is given to each student before they begin their internship over the summer of their junior year. Each student will need to fill out the necessary forms and paperwork in the packet and then compile a portfolio detailing their work experience. This is a large portion of how a student's grade is determined for the course.