About the Stride & Ride
Each January, Western High School's DECA Chapter participates in the MDA Stride & Ride walk-a-thon. Since 2005, WHS has raised over $15,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. DECA is one of the largest contributers in Broward County for the MDA and is proud to participate each year. It's easy to form an MDA Stride & Ride Team. Western DECA will supply all of the necessary materials you need to recruit and motivate team members. |
What is the Muscular Dystrophy Association?
The Muscular Dystrophy Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization fighting more than 40 muscle-wasting diseases that affect hundreds of people of all ages right here in our community. Funds raised through MDA's special events help provide expert medical care at MDA clinics, MDA summer camps for youngsters, repair and purchase of wheelchairs and other equipment, and many more services. MDA also funds hundreds of top scientists worldwide seeking treatments and cures. |

Above Photo: Luke Christie, National Goodwill Ambassador &
Jerry Lewis, MDA National Chairman
Why should I get involved with DECA's Stride & Ride?
All students in Broward County give back to their community because of the graduation requirement of 40 service hours. There is such a lesson to be learned through community service activities, such as teamwork, leadership, and cooperation. All of these traits are necessary in any field of work. The Stride & Ride, like so many other walk-a-thons, offers students to develop those skills, while earning service hours. Getting involved in a project like this also will look great on any college application or high school resume. It is important to show to colleges and employers that they are well-rounded, and community service projects are a great way to do so. |

How can I become a part of this project?
The Western DECA Chapter starts recruiting for Stride & Ride team captains starting in late October. You will hear announcements, see posters, and see DECA members at the Green Counter promoting the event. There is no reason why every Western High student can't get involved with this great project, raising money for a fantastic cause. Every dollar counts! Join the Stride & Ride today! Come to Room 714 if you have any questions. |