Finlander's Tavern

Some of the patrons who frequent the Finlander's Tavern

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Face, Hannibal, B.A., Murdock

The A-Team

In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. Now they frequent Finlander's Tavern. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them- maybe you can hire The A-Team.

Mead Bent and Vallhalla Bound

Walking Vengeance

Eric Draven

The unliving paragon of vigilante justice. You may know him from "The Crow." If you should chance upon him in the tavern, leave him to his brooding reverie of days past. His work is endless, and his time for rest is limited.

Buliwyf and the 13 Warriors

Well traveled, and widely known for their valor and wisdom. They laugh heartily at modern notions of the Viking, especially that they ever wore silly horns on their helmets. Their merry making can be heard for miles around as they lift a flagon of mead and sing the battle songs of heroes past.

"Lo there do I see my father. Lo there do I see my mother, and my sisters and my brothers. Lo do I see the line of my people back to its beginning. Lo they do call to me and bid me take my place among them, in the Halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever."

Rick Wright, Thomas Magnum, Thomas Calvin, Johnathon Higgins

Magnum, Rick, T.C., and Higgins

Between cases, when needing a change of pace from Hawaiian Paradise, they forgo the King Kamahamaha Club and take an Island Hoppers charter to the Finlander's Tavern.

Taking on the MCP

Kevin Flynn

Now the CEO of Encomm, he can still forge a Group Six access with his eyes closed. In the modern era there's a game console in every home, but his massive arcade still pulls in as big a crowd as ever, partying and dumping coins into Space Paranoids and Matrix Blasters. Flynn astutely points out that the modern world often resembles a circuit board- a cold mug at The Tavern can slow it all down.



Wedge Antilles

In a word-- a Survivor. Highly decorated and a critical member of the Rebel Alliance, yet relatively unknown, Wedge is a quiet hero. He was a critical element of the attack on the first Death Star, developed an innovative technique to use tow cables to entangle Imperial Assault Transports and salvage the retreat at Hoth, and spearheaded the attack on the second Death Star. Wedge has always embodied the luck, loyalty, confidence, and courage required of every Rebel pilot.




Supertoys last all summer. Teddy is a tireless protector of unceasing loyalty. His nature does not allow him personal happiness or sadness, so his purpose lies in aiding the well-being of others. But in a real way, he will always be satisfied and at peace by virtue of his incorrupt purpose. His pure and simple wisdom is untarnished by the wants and needs of the physical world.

Miami Vice

Crockett and Tubbs

Ever consider a career in Southern law enforcement? Fed up with the stress, the System, and years of cover so deep that true identity becomes blurred, they now come to Finlander's Tavern to relax after a good bust. Seen here with their badass Ferrari Daytona Spyder.

Li Mu Bai

Li Mu Bai 2

Li Mu Bai

A noble and gentle 'wuxia'- a mystic paladin of the Chinese Confucian era. He has given up his fabled sword, The Green Destiny, as a symbol of his journey from warrior to ascetic. Detached from the world yet influential in its path, he is the true spirit of Daoism. Don't be put off by his quiet nature or humbled by his presence, he will gladly trade stories or meditations over a cup of tea.



Legolas and Gimli

You will not find two more genuine friends, which- by virtue of their seemingly great differences- was not always the truth. Legolas Greenleaf, an elven son of the forests: Light in both tread and manner, he lives with the grace and wisdom imparted by 2 millennia of life in war and peace. Gimli, son of Gloin: thoroughly dwarven, sturdy and direct. His ostensible dwarven greed is in fact a pursuit of subterranean beauty. Their friendship came to be based upon a mutual love of beauty: Legolas the beauty of sylvan groves, Gimli that of mineral artistry. They now frequent the Finlander's Tavern during their travels, where elven wine and Dwarven ale both flow freely.


In America, we fight for friends.  Guile lost his best friend Charlie in a military operation gone bad decades ago in Cambodia.  His life from that point forwards became a single-minded quest for revenge- cold, hard, and final.  After countless years of intense training and vigilante justice on the streets worldwide, the underworld figures responsible disappeared one by one until they were no more.  Then suddenly, as though waking from a long dream, Guile's quest was over, and he was Family Man and Citizen Soldier once again.  Charlie's soul- and his own- were now at peace.  Beer might never quite taste the same without his old friend at his side, but Guile will never hesitate to lift a mug of cold American brew in honor of those who fight for what's right.