Finlander's Tavern

Have a seat in my humble establishment, have a sip or two of ale, and let me bend your ear.

This tavern is home to sound clips, Finland info, cool pictures, plenty of opinions, and a well tended bar (search engines drink up). [Established 2001- Ryan Karkkainen, Proprietor]

My Story | Photos | Photos 2 | Patrons | Animals | Quotes | Quotes 2 | Excerpts | Multimedia | My Resume | Links | Guestbook | FinlandVirtue

So- after a long journey, you have found your way to the Finlander's Tavern. My door is always open, the fire well-tended, and your mug is always filled.

Here you will hear a friendly voice as you recover from your travels. It seems as though everyone's favorite topic is themselves... and given that I don't know anyone better than myself- that's where I'll start.

I fancy myself a bit of a philosopher and quite a satirist, mayhaps you will find my thoughts, interests and hobbies of a bit of interest.

You might also want to glance at a ledger of my travails (my resume) and allow me to recommend some other fine establishments (a list of my favorite links).

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. Send me a bit of mail if you like. As proprietor of this humble establishment, I love to hear the stories of the travellers who find their way here.

What's New?

Here I might add an entry whenever I make an update to my site. I will make an effort to keep my wine cellar up to date, and my larder exquisitely filled. For example:

6/28/08 -
Patronage over 850 !  Down but not out yet-- Long Live the Fighters! Times are tough for dreamers, but that's where the door to my tavern lies open and waiting.
             - new addition De/Vision plays in My Story

2/24/07 - Patronage over 700 !  Back from a journey through lands both fair and fell, it does my heart well to see my tavern yet filled!

10/14/05 - Patronage over 600 !  I still treat each customer as my first or potentially last, it is my honor and privilege to open the doors and stoke the hearth of my homely keep. 
2/09/05 - Patronage over 500, hearty thanks and kind regards to the many wandering souls who honor me by visiting my humble establishment
           - Added Finnfo (what IS a Finn?)
           - New quotes
7/10/04 - Added Virtue page, excerpts, quotes
08/26/03 - Site moved to University of Florida server; Improved resume formatiing; Patronage over 300!  Please accept my hospitality and humble thanks
09/21/02 - An undeserved honor: patronage over 200! Food and drink for all are on the house!
11/12/01 - Patronage over 100! Drinks are on the house!

08/19/01 - The doors of my tavern first open

<BGSOUND src="" loop=true>

Welcome to my Tavern


If memory serves,

patrons have preceded you at the Finlander's Tavern


[ FIXED ! ] The sound file below will allow you to hear the sounds of the tavern: the room is filled with the bustle of patrons eating, drinking, and making merry, as some local minstrels strum a festive lay. 


Download "pubmix.mp3" (376 kb)

Thanks to for the excellent counter