Finlander's Tavern

"Abashed the Devil stood,
And felt how awful goodness is, and saw
Virtue in her own shape how lovely; saw
And pined his loss."

  - Milton

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The Eight Virtues

For starters, it would not be Honest if I did not give credit to gaming legend Richard Garriott for the thoughtful creation of this list.  Further, some of the text below is quoted from various web sources, and some of it is my own humble addition.  

I do not mean to be pedantic, and I am no expert on virtue to be sure... but I find it something worthy of thought, consideration, and practice.

It may be fairly said that there are more than eight virtues, but careful thought and practice of the following is enough to occupy you well, be you cretin or paladin.

An irony of virtues is that you will often have to choose between them.  Life is rarely so cooperative as to be black-and-white.  

Below this list I have added some thoughts of my own, and I welcome further suggested additions (or deletions).  However, you may find that a seeming omission is in fact a variant on those already mentioned.


HONESTY — Scrupulous respect for truth; the willingness never to deceive oneself or another.  Without self-knowledge, there can be no possibility of full enlightenment.


COMPASSION — Total empathy for all living things.  Forbearance from adding to the pain and anguish in the world.  Alleviation of suffering is the ultimate aim of good.


VALOR — Moral as well as physical fortitude; the courage and dedication to fight your enemies, no matter the odds.  Valor is the courage to stand up for your beliefs, even in the face of physical or psychological threat.  Evil must be defeated before good can triumph.


JUSTICE — Upholding the rule of law, justice is the truth of what is right and wrong in human action and the love of that which is right.  This means opposing tyranny hiding behind false laws, just as it does combating the lawless.


SACRIFICE — Seeing the plight of others as your own, sacrifice is the helping of others at the cost of one's own well-being.  It is the placing of the interests of others and the ends of virtue over one's own concerns.


HONOR — The courage to defend and uphold the truth.  Duty, loyalty, respect, integrity, and trust.  Upholding the judicial and spiritual values that bind society together. 


SPIRITUALITY — Realizing the unity of all things that exist, have existed, and will exist; seeing a dimension to life beyond the tangible or material. Spirituality is the quest to improve one's own inner being and enlighten and brighten the lives of others.  Acknowledging the reality of the transcendent is necessary to experience it.


HUMILITY — The knowledge of one's place in the world, reached through an understanding of the sanctity of all beings; seeing the corrupting potential of self-righteousness.  Humility is easily forgotten by the great and powerful.

Below I add a few suggestions of my own: 

FAITH — The ability to completely and constantly question your convictions.  Unquestioned resolve is meaningless Blind Faith.

DILIGENCE — The perseverance to do what must be done, and to refrain from those that  must not be done.

INDEPENDENCE — Not a matter of isolation, it is simply the ability to stand on your own two feet.  It is responsibility for your own being and actions.




    Villiany wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as virtue