Finlander's Tavern

Ok, maybe just unimedia

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All files on this site were found on the internet and are believed to be public domain.
Some clips contain "colorful metaphors." Caveat emptor.

Mel Brooks Film Clips:

Blazing Saddles: Heddy Lamar recruits some bandidos

Young Frankenstein: Dr. Franknstein reacts to Igor's poor choice

Blazing Saddles: Slim Pickens reacts to a tollbooth in the middle of nowhere

Spaceballs: Dark Helmet gloats

Blazing Saddles: Slim Pickens restoring order

Men in Tights: Robin Hood bids farewell to Maid Marion

The Thirteenth Warrior:

The Viking Prayer in preparation for the final battle with the Eaters of the Dead

The final lines of the movie. This is really a film about culture: Herger and Ibn don't really see each other in generic terms anymore.

Ibn provides a good summary of the story and its themes of culture and adventure

Ibn's reflective prayer

More of Ibn's reflection in the face of adversity

Star Wars:

Yoda on the Jedi's ethos

Vader and Kenobi face off

Obi-wan explains The Force

The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club: It's a teenybopper film, but it's funny and it brings out some nice points

The Breakfast Club: The Thief raids the lunch of the Brain

The Breakfast Club: A discussion of the wrestling team

Another disruption in the library

Other Sound Clips:

Magnum PI: Higgins reacts to Magnum's apartment

Dune: A mentat mantra to focus mental prowess

(Dr. Who) The Doctor is asked about his expertise

An error in Windows (not a robust program)

Contact: Ellie's Dad on SETI

Tron: Flynn's salutation

Sanford and Son: Fred drops his suit

President Reagan doesn't realize he is on-the-air

Animal House: Some comments on the future (some days I feel like this too)

Omega Supreme's summary of Swift's essay on moral arithmetic

The main bad guy laughs it up

The Simpsons:

Burns' grand project

Flanders introduces some relatives

Krusty tries to get a gig

Moe takes a lie detector test

Lisa alludes to Shakespeare

Homer prank calls the Dean of SU

Homer reacts to Lisa's perpetual motion machine

Mr. Burns defends his hiring policies

Homer tries to intercept a letter to Burns at the post office

Hutz may again be a bad choice of attorney

Grandpa explains America's insistance on English Units of Measure (which by the way, even the English don't use anymore)

Ralph Wiggum is not a model student

Homer is asked to try to convince Bart to come down from his protest on the roof of his school

A palendrome when combined with the previous file

Office Space:

This employee crumbles as efficiency experts Bob and Bob question his purpose

A bit of separation from work- I can only call it healthy

A Michael Bolton at the office regrets his name

Samir is frustrated by the chronically uncooperative printer

...makes sense to me!

Some career plans


An idea echoed by engineers everywhere

Actual recording of Ford management reacting to a presentation on composite crash structures

Austin Powers:

Dr. Evil tries to invent another evil scheme, but he is not up on current events

Austin awakes from cryogenic slumber and is also not up on current events

Army of Darkness:

Another take on a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court: Ash demonstrates modern technology to the Dark Ages

Groovy- Ash's classic tough talk

Hail to the king, baby

Who wants some ?!

Ash and a demon trash talk

The lighter side of Ash

More Sound Clips:

(Back to School) Rodney Dangerfield talks with a professor

(The Three Stooges) Larry dissing somebody



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