ENL 2012—Survey of English Literature: Medieval to 1750
Section 1827


Close Reading Prospectus
Length: 1-2 pages
Points Possible: 50
Due: Aug 31
Close Reading Essay
Length: 6-8 pages
Points Possible: 250
Due: Sept 10
Comparative Analysis Prospectus
Length: 1-2 pages
Points Possible: 50
Due: Sept 21
Comparative Analysis
Length: 6-8 pages
Points Possible: 250
Due: Oct 1
Length: 5-15 minutes
Points Possible: 50
Due: Oct 31—Nov 7 (variable)
Prospectus for Research Paper
Length: 1-2 pages
Points Possible: 50
Due: Nov 19
Final Research Paper
Length: 8-12 pages
Points Possible: 300
Due: Dec 5

Total Points Possible: 1000