Katherine Shaeffer, Graduate Assistant

LIT 2110 Page ENG 1131 Adaptation
ENG 1131 ShakespeareENL 2012 Page

In May 2009, Katherine Shaeffer received her MA in English from the University of Florida, where she is now pursuing her PhD. Her academic interests include Medieval and Early Modern literature, Renaissance drama and its performance, comics (especially webcomics & manga), folk ballads, fantasy literature, children's literature, alchemical art & literature and adaptation. She wrote her Master's thesis on the visual rhetoric of alchemy in sequential art.

Katherine is the instructor for Section 6244 of the Fall 2011 ENL 2012 course, Survey of English Literature: Medieval to 1750.

In Spring of 2011, Katherine taught Part 1 of the English Department's World Literature course, LIT2110 Survey of World Literature: Ancient to Renaissance. Her unit, subtitled "'Epic' Love and Drama," was focused around classical, medieval and Renaissance explorations of love. Ovid's Metamorphoses served as a thematic "key" to the entire semester.

Katherine has taught two sections of ENG1131: Writing Through Media. Her ENG1131 sections are built around the study of the adaptations of texts across different media. Students are asked to explore, and write about, how adaptations work, their social and literary importance and the effect of adaptation upon "core" texts, as well as adaptation's artistic and ethical implications.

Katherine has also worked as an instructor for the University Writing Program's course, ENC1102: Rhetoric and Academic Research.

Katherine Shaeffer is the current Research Assistant for ImageText, a journal of interdisciplinary comic studies. She is also the journal's production editor.

In the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic years, Katherine received a Bowers Fellowship in Medieval Studies

Katherine's portrait, seen at the left, was taken at the 23rd Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire.

This page was made using HTML and CSS in Notepad++. The background 'wallpaper' was made using a photagraph of tree bark manipulated in Adobe Photoshop.

Classes Taught:

  • LIT 2110 World Lit Survey Pt. 1
  • ENG 1131 Writing Through Media
  • ENC 1102 Argument and Persuasion
  • ENC 3254 Professional Comm for Engineers
  • ENC 2210 Technical Writing

Current (2011) Positions:

  • Graduate Assistant
  • ImageTexT Research Assistant
  • ImageTexT Production Editor


  • Pursuing PhD in English at UF
  • Received MA in English from UF May 2009
  • Received MLS from FSU May 2009
  • Received BA in Lit in English from New College May 2006