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Hendry County Health Department - Header
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle

Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle

Environmental Health

Environmental Health has a major role in the overall mission of public health through its efforts to prevent injury and disease by controlling environmental risks. We monitor and regulate activities that may contribute to the occurrence or transmission of disease. We strive to ensure a safe water supply, sanitary disposal of sewage and the elimination of vectors for disease transmittal.

Our services to the citizens of Hendry County include the following programs:

Sharps Disposal Program
Inspection of Public Pools
Inspection of Food Establishments
Inspection of Tanning Facilities
Group Care Facilities
Underground and Above Ground Storage Tank Program
Water Well Construction
Mobile Homes and other Recreational Camps
Rabid Animal Investigations
Regulation of Petroleum Storage Tanks
Regulation of Migrant Labor Housing
Assuring Safe Drinking Water
Sentinel Chickens Arbovirus Control