Group Care Facilities

This program includes assisted living facilities, child care facilities, public and private schools, foster homes, and related health care facilities. The objective of the program is to assure that group care facilities comply with minimum standards relating to the protection of health, safety, and well being of those using these facilities.
care facilities are regulated and licensed by state agencies such as the:
Department of
Children and Families
Department of Juvenile
Agency for Health Care Administration
Florida Department of Education
Department of Elder Affairs
The Health Department has co-responsibilities in the enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations regarding the sanitation and control of communicable diseases at these facilities. The Hendry County Environmental Health staff provide direct services in the operational aspect of the program through regular inspections to assure that required sanitary standards are maintained. In some cases, we must inspect and approve facilities as a prerequisite to granting an operating license.
Our responsibilities vary by the type of facility and can be accessed by clicking on the specific type of facility below:
Day Care
Adult Family Care Home
Assisted Living Facility (ALF)
Nursing Home Facility
Care Facility (Day Care)
Child Care - Mildly Ill Child
Family Day Care Home
Family Foster Home
Religious Exempt Child Care
Health Care:
Community Residential Home
Crisis Stabilization Unit
Hospice Residential Unit
Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled (ICF/DD)
Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (PPECC)
Residential Drug Treatment Center
Transitional Living Facility