The Florida Legislature created the State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Act (SUPER Act) (Chapter 376.3071, Florida Statutes ) in response to ground water contamination resulting from leaking underground petroleum storage tanks.
The SUPER Act Program is responsible for identifying areas in the state having drinking water contaminated as a result of leaking underground storage tanks, surface spills and other discharges to the environment. This program conducts well surveillance in potentially impacted areas, notifies the public of potential adverse health effects and provides assistance in obtaining alternative sources of drinking water.
Environmental Health staff identify all private water wells within ¼ mile, and all public drinking water wells within ½ mile of potential petroleum contamination sources. We also collect samples from these wells, and have them tested for any contamination. This sampling is performed under a Florida Department of Environmental Protection contract administered through the Department of Health in Tallahassee. The program is funded through a reimbursement formula designed by the state.