Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Places

Swimming pools, water parks, and bathing places are sources for year-round family fun in Florida and places to cool off during the hot summer months. Although the risks are low, they can also be sources of waterborne diseases like E. coli and Crypto*. Although chlorine is effective against many diseases that can get into recreation, overcrowding in pools and water parks can rapidly reduce chlorine levels. A few disease organisms like crypto are resistant to chlorine.
Many disease outbreaks in pools and water parks are caused by young children having bowel movements while in the water. The fecal material from these accidents can contain disease organisms that will spread rapidly if the chlorine levels are low or if they are resistant to disinfectants.
For this reason our Environmental Specialists conduct routine inspections of all licensed public pools once each quarter, to monitor compliance with disinfection levels, water chemistry and safety requirements.
Rules for public swimming pools can be found at the Florida Department of Health Web site.