Under Ground and Above Ground Storage Tank Program
The Storage Tank program helps ensure that all above ground and underground pollutant and other regulated substance storage tanks are correctly registered with the State of Florida and are maintained in a proper manner. Tank compliance standards to be met are set forth by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) rules. Routine compliance inspections are accomplished at each storage tank facility at least once during normal, non-upgrade contract years. Additional inspections are made for the installation of new tanks, closure of existing tanks, discharge reports filed on tanks, and re-inspection of facilities with discovered deficiencies to confirm correction. Pollutant Storage Tank Program office personnel assist storage tank owners in understanding regulations and in achieving compliance with tank rules. Complaints involving leaking storage tanks are investigated and if contamination is found, owners are contacted to take corrective action. If visits, telephone calls, and letters are not sufficient to obtain voluntary compliance of facilities with the rules, cases are referred to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Fort Myers for enforcement measures.
For a list of all regulated tanks in Hendry County:
Hendry UST.
For more information on the FDEP Storage Tank Program: FDEP Storage Tanks.