Tanning Facilities

There are risks associated with overexposure to ultraviolet light from tanning beds and booths as there are with overexposure to sunlight. Tanning facility staff will advise you about the maximum exposure time for the particular device you will use, the operation of emergency shutoff controls, the requirement for protective eyewear, and the location of personal hygiene facilities. Tanning bed surfaces and protective eyewear must be sanitized between uses.
If you wish to open a tanning facility or add tanning devices to your current business, you must obtain an operational license. The Hendry County Health Department monitors the facility's operation through regular inspections to assure that required sanitary standards are maintained.
- The Health Department must inspect and approve facilities as a prerequisite to granting an operating license.
- Provide a plan of the tanning facility you intend to operate. The plan should show barrier walls or other devices that will shield the view of waiting customers and passers-by from UV light. The plan should also include the location of restrooms. The plan does not have to be an architect or engineer drawing.
- Ensure that employees that assist customers or operate tanning devices are formally trained in the operation and maintenance of those devices. The Florida Department of Health recognizes one in-state and three correspondence course firms that provide approved training courses.
- List of Approved Course Providers (19 KB Word Document).
- 389.89, F.S.
The Florida Statute regulating tanning facilities