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Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle

Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle
Hendry County Health Department - LaBelle

Arbovirus Surveillance Program

Chicken Image

What is St. Louis Encephalitis?

St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to people by certain mosquitoes.

What is West Nile Encephalitis?

West Nile encephalitis is an infection of the brain caused by West Nile virus, a flavivirus commonly found in Africa, West Asia, and the Middle East. It is closely related to St. Louis encephalitis virus found in the United States.

In an average year, Florida has from one to 10 cases of SLE. Several large outbreaks involving as many as 200 cases have occurred in Florida in recent decades. The Hendry County health department keeps two chicken flocks and monitors these chickens for evidence of exposure to SLEand WNV. The chickens make good sentinels because they do not get sick from SLEor WNV. Chickens or other birds cannot transmit the virus directly to people.

The chickens are bled once every two weeks during the months of June through October. Blood samples are processed and tested in the Department of Health’s laboratory in Tampa.

Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds in the wild, which may circulate the virus in their blood for a few days. Infected mosquitoes can then transmit West Nile virus and St. Louis Encephalitis to humans and animals while biting to take blood. The virus is located in the mosquito's salivary glands. During blood feeding, the virus may be injected into the animal or human, where it may multiply, possibly causing illness.

Even in areas where mosquitoes do carry the virus, very few mosquitoes—much less than 1%—are infected. If the mosquito is infected, less than 1% of people who get bitten and become infected will get severely ill. The chances you will become severely ill from any one mosquito bite are extremely small.


What can you do to prevent infection?

Prevention is the key. The best way to avoid infection is to avoid getting mosquito bites.

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