Recent Talks:

Virtual Manipulatives



Interactive Excel



Interactive Graphing with Microsoft Excel

Technology Integration Institute, June 13 2006 (School Board of Alachua County)


Contents of this Virtual Handout:



Advanced features of Excel allow for interactive uses beyond what is typically associated with spreadsheets. Features discussed will include interactive graphing and quizzes. This presentation will provide participants with hands-on experience using interactive worksheets and uses in the classroom will be discussed. Additionally, resources for finding, using, and developing interactive excel worksheets will be provided.


Presentation Materials


Sample Worksheets

The following spreadsheets were given as examples. Please note that you will need to allow macros to run in order for these spreadsheets to perform properly.

My Worksheets:

  • Linear Equations - Interactive graphing of linear equations, including slope-intercept form, standard form, and a two-line comparison. Worksheets contian interactive questions.
  • Quadratic Equations - Interactive graphing of quadratic equations, including standard form, general form, and focus/directrix.
  • Rectangular Solids - Interactive rectangular solid for studying surface area and volume.

"A Developer's Guide to Excelets". All other examples used in the presentation came from this page.



This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating an interactive graphing tool for linear equations in Microsoft Excel. It is assumed that users of this tutorial have a general knowledge of formatting spreadsheets in excel and

Finished Example - This is an example of the completed Excel file you will create when finished working through this tutorial. Please note that you will need to allow macros to run in order to use this worksheet properly.

Part 1 Doc - The first half of the tutorial as a word document.

Part 2 Doc - The second half of the tutorual as a word document.

Please contact me to let me know if you found this tutorial helpful and to give suggestions for improvement.


More Resources

"A Developer's Guide to Excelets". Probably the best site out there for excelets. Contains plenty of examples, links to other pages, and tutorials.

"Interactive MS Excel Workbooks". Site with links to several interactive workbooks and a PDF tutorial on creating an interactive tangent line graphing tool.

"Chemistry Excelets". 20+ Interactive spreadsheets on topics in Chemistry.

"Microsoft Excel Modules". From . Contains a wealth of information on Excel. See the "Advanced Topics" and "Sample Worksheets to Download" sections for interactive excel information.

"Excel 2000 Teaching Modules". From Teacher PD. Contains several tutorials for excel including interactive features such as creating quizzes.

"The Excelets Page". Includes samples (mostly from economics) and information on uses of excelets.

"The ABC's to Excel". Contains tutorials on a number of excel topics including interactivity.

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All content Copyright © 2006, David Young