
Digital Audio

Notes: Digital Audio

Players and Plug-ins

Players are seperate from browsers. They are stand-alone programs. They work well with downloads. Winamp (MP3), Quicktime, RealOne Player, Windows, ITunes, Siren. File extensions: .mov, .ra, .ram, .rm, .avi, .mpg

An embedded player needs a plug-in. When a video is on a Web page with other stuff, it must have a plug-in. Windows Media is rated the worst player, but is used by the most people.


Higher quality=higher file size, lower quality=smaller file size.Lower quality, Radio 22.54Khz to 8Khz. Telephone 11.025Khz. (Sampling rate)Channel: Stereo=bigger files. Mono=smaller files.Resolution: 8 bit=0 to 256, 16 bit=64,000. A way of measuring the high and low of the sound wave. Sampling Rate: How many times per second the voltage goes up and down.Digital impulses=not continuous, seperate number sequences.

CD quality sound=44.1Khz. One second is divided into 44.1 sections, each second is given a number. This is CD quality sound. Most voice files should be 1/2 of CD sound or lower.

Compression=different file formats have different compressions. MP3=was converted down from CD. It was compressed.

RealProducer Basic (.rm)-compressed (.wav) and changes it to a (.rm).

Windows Sound Recorder - Using today, simple program in every Windows format used for editing sound. (Lower quality)