
Managing Sites

Notes: Managing Sites


Know the difference between relative links and absolute links. Relative = "homepg.htm" Absolute = ("http://.../" ) Absolute links send the user out to the Web. Tag for Link- Must know what A HREF="_../../page.htm

Read Webmonkey for more details.File names=no spaces, all lowercase, no punctuation. .htm, .html >Don't mix on own Website. Doesn't matter which one you use, just stick to one. Put all images in folders:Navigation: Users have to know: Where am I? Where can I go? How will I get there? How can I get back? (to someplace I've already been?) Adapted from Web Navigation: Designing the User Experience by Jennifer Fleming(1998: )Organizing Systems: Richard Saul Wurman. He created five different ways to map out Web sites.

Click here to see the sitemap for this Web site.

They are: 1. Location (or geography) Maps, floor plans, diagrams, lists of sites. 2. Alphebetical, users' automatically understand this. 3. Time (or chronology) 4. Category (Most of us end up using this style. This is the most difficult.) 5. Hierarchy


10 Principles of Good Navigation

1. Easy to Learn
2. Consistent
3. Provides feedback to user
4. Appears in context (appropriate to current situation)
5. Offers alternatives to the user
6. Efficient: fewer steps, less time
7. Provides clear visual messages
8. Clear labels (precise choice of words)
9. Appropriate to the site's purpose
10. Supports the users' goals and behaviors