
Web Video

Notes: Web Video

If you do not see the movie player above, you do not have the QuickTime plug-in for your Web browser. You can download QuickTime free from the Apple Web site.

QuickTime is used here to show the student video created in Deliver of News Online. The video is of students talking about the virtues and difficulties in the class.

Web video like audio needs to be compressed. One minute of video per one minute of sound (not compressed) would be 100 MB per minute.

Cleaner 5 Quickstart can be used to create streaming video after finished editing video in Premiere. There are four steps in this process, Capture, Author, Encode and Publish. Cleaner Easy comes with Premiere.

The following link is to the JOU4930 class video that everyon participated in. This example is provided to show that we are capable of taking video and embedding it on the Web.