
Adobe Premiere

Notes: Adobe Premiere

Adobe Preimiere is used to edit video.

For a new project, select Multimedia Quicktime. File, import file, select 4/5 files (control/click). The files are in the project window. Next: SAVE. Premiere crashes a lot. Put this file on disc/zip (.ppj). The timeline is used for the editing.

Drag film clip and drop in Video 1, under timeline window. Monitor windows, Source will play everything in there. Program will play video editing.

Open up first clip in source monitor by dragging or double clicking. Outpoint-point where a cut happens and blacks out rest of clip.

Drag little blue arrow under monitor to stopping point. Select in point and out point. (Mark out.) After clip has been selected and put into timeline. Select tool, dashed box and select arrow box. This moves all clips over.


For Audio: Import, file, Audio, (.aif). It shows up in project window. Drag/drop to timeline, expand to see WAVE4. Look at WAVE4 to match up with video.

Take Ripple edit tool, right click on tool. Work through video.