
Super Fantastic Low-Gravity Fighting Extravaganza: Round 5

Alright, alright. Been busy. Here's round 5. Remember, this determines the last combatant in the finals. Here we go...

Despite the valiant attempts of my good friend Charlie, Jack Bauer pulled off Round 4 and moves onto the finals. The shameless sexual escapades of Sacman aside, he's the winner.

Vote in the comments below this post.

Round 5's fighters:

1. Snake Plissken from Escape From New York (disregard Escape From LA)

2. Paul Newman from Cool Hand Luke, armed with 50 eggs and a pipe cutter

3. Arnold from The Terminator

4. George W. Bush armed with Iraq's entire   stockpile of WMDs

5. Charlton Heston as Moses from the Ten Commandments



Super Fantastic Low-Gravity Fighting Extravaganza: Round 4

Sorry for the delay... but we're back with round four and getting close to the end (Thank God).

Round 3's winner was the closest yet, with Pro Thunderball star Steve Youngblood of the Decatur Fist managing to squeak by with three votes, passing everyone else (who all had two votes).

So, the competition is tight, but will only get tighter once the finalists are all picked.

Once again: vote below the post via comments, and don't read if you don't like poop.

Round 4's fighters are:

1. Mr. T armed with an assortment of gold chains and plenty of foo's to pity

2. Clint Eastwood as Inspector Harry Callahan from Dirty Harry

3. Jack Bauer armed with a towel and a flare gun

4. Mad Max

5. Richard Kiel as Jaws from The Spy Who Loved Me

Get it on.


Super Fantastic Low-Gravity Fighting Extravaganza: Round 3

Round 2 was a bit closer than the first one, but that's not saying much. Arnold won pretty easily, but Henry Rollins was most definitely a tough competitor, along with the Pope. Piper managed one vote thanks to his "Juice Plus" (I wonder if that has anything to do with "Jesus Juice?") and Carl Winslow's got nuthin', as he always will.

So now we're on to our third round, which should be interesting.

Remember: vote in the comments below this post, and don't read any of it if you ever get offended by anything, because odds are you will be offended.

Our combatants for round 3 are:

1. Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China

2. Dolph Lundgren as Frank Castle from The Punisher

3. Bruce Lee

4. Mel Gibson as Sir William Wallace from Braveheart (armed with a large axe, warpaint, and memories of his dead girlfriend)

5. Steve Youngblood of the Decatur Fist (armed with a Thunderball bat and a ceramic ball)

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Reverend Neil Hughes