Flash Animation
Flash can provide an exciting graphics intense interface for your visitors. Flash can be used to communicate in a limited space or filesize, for instance banner ads. Interactive games and photo presentations can be created with Flash. A Flash movie could explain a product or service that your company provides.

Gif's can create animation by linking a series of images together and specifying how long any one of them displays. A combination of many frames with a short display appears as smooth motion. With most graphics on the Web, there is an issue of filesize because the information for each pixel must be stored. For example, with a gif, each of the frames to be displayed multiplies the total filesize.

Flash animation works through vector rendered graphics. The "images" are really mathematical representations of lines and shapes, not the heavy pixels of the objects themselves. Making the object move require that the formula change over time.

There are compatibility issues to be aware of. Not all users have the latest version of the Flash player. Creating movies that are backward compatible is sometimes necessary or using older conventional methods depending on your target audience.

If your market targets gamers using broadband who probably have the latest version of everything, you can use advanced Web technology. You may even be expected to use it.

However, an international audience will probably not have the latest version of anything. For them, downloading the necessary upgrades could take a long time. Either make it worth their while or find a more conventional method to communicate your message.

Gator GIF

Flash Banners

Flash Funky Hip Hop Beats

Flash Slide Show

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  Copyright © 2003 Nicholas Ward