Activities and Procedures for Remediation:
Divide the class into two groups. Have each group designate a spokesperson for their group. Give the groups ten to 15 minutes to make up five to ten questions about the solar system, using their notes. They must know the correct answers to the questions. When the groups are ready with their questions you may begin the game.
Determine which group goes first by flipping a coin. The teams will take turns asking each other their questions. A team gets 30 seconds to find the correct answer to the question in their notes and handouts. The answer must be given by the spokesperson. If the group gets the question correct they receive one point. They also get a chance to earn an extra point by making a "basket" with the nerf ball. Have the group pick a person to shoot the nerf ball into the trash can. Continue taking turns until all the questions have been asked. The winning group has the most points.
The following questions may help to get idea about creating questions.
At what time of day can Mercury be viewed by people on Earth?
What caused the many craters on the surface of Venus?
What causes the seasons to change on Earth?
Why does Mars look red to anyone looking at it through a telescope?
What is the Great Red Spot?
True or False
The rings around Saturn contain pieces of ice which are all the size of a baseball.
What makes Uranus look blue-green in color?
Multiple choice
Astronomers believe that the large, dark circles on Neptune's surface are:
1. forest fires
2. storms
3. black holes
Why is Pluto sometimes called a double planet?
Home | Standards | Objectives | Procedures | Remediation | Rationale
Lesson | Activities | Enrichment | Materials | ResourcesMuhammet Demirbilek
This page was last modified April 20, 2001
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