Gainesville Cockatiel Rescue: Located in Gainesville Florida

Permanent Birds: More Information



Name: Calypso
Type of bird:
Gender: Female
Color: White Face Cinnamon Pearl
Arrival Date: 2000
Age: Born in 1999

had a good friend in college who liked the cockatiels I had living in my dorm room. Eventually she came back from a break with a gorgeous white-faced cinnamon pearl hen. The bird was very sweet and tame towards my friend but, she liked me from the beginning. This wasn't a problem since we didn't live on the same floor or same room.

The next year, my friend and I got an apartment off campus and all the birds that we owned (2 parakeets, 3 cockatiels and 2 parrotlets) now lived all together.

After some time passed, Calypso developed a rather strong preference for me....and only me. Whenever the cage door was opened, she would fly and land on my head. If I put her back on the cage, she would be back on my head before I could get across the room. Calypso would no longer let my friend hold her or catch her if she was out of the cage. Calypso would actually fly AWAY from her. My friend grumpily usually ended up asking me to catch the bird as she could not get close enough to manage it.

When we both graduated, my friend asked me if I wanted Calypso and of course I did. She has since become a feather plucker and pulls out the feathers under her wings. Luckily she leaves her other feathers pretty much alone so she looks normal unless a wing is lifted up. I think it is hormonal as she is a very healthy bird and the vet could find nothing wrong with her. Calypso is a permanent pet and will not be offered for adoption.