Dr. Cesar N Caviedes

El Niño Projects

In the last fifteen years my research has progressed from inquiring into El Niño traces in climatic and hydrological time series to the unearthing of  references to catastrophic El Niño events contained in historical documents or deduced from proxy data.

Christa Mock Project

In his book "El asesinato de una sombra" (The Murder of a Shadow), Caviedes studies the story of the German teacher Christa Mock, who in 1963 was raped and strangled on a solitary beach in Chile. The heinous crime caused great outrage in Chile and Germany and fostered vindications from the various agencies that had sponsored her trip to Chile. Enter into this a manipulative German ambassador and the lurid interests of tabloids– and the stage is set for the development of an intriguing drama that counterpoises longings against reality.For More Info (in English y Español)

The Project in Chilean News

Very gratifying have been the winter semester of 2005-06 spent as an invited professor at the University of Heidelberg and the summer semester of 2006, also as invited professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Both stays gave me the opportunity to appreciate the ways in which the status of Geography has changed in the country where our specialty had its birthplace as a scientific discipline.  

Anxiety about the future of Geography as a formative discipline in high schools and universities has replaced the conviction that Geography would always be an integral part of the curricula of the middle and higher levels of education. Departments of Geography have been closed down for budgetary reasons or obsolescence in the thematic contents, and traditional geography courses are being replaced by ecology-oriented courses. Publishing houses which specialized in the discipline have closed down and respected geographical journals have been substituted by a host of magazines published in English.

 A lively debate has been ignited as to the reasons of this decline. Some analysts blame it on a damaging split between human and physical geography that led to the abandonment of the regional paradigm. In fact today in Germany less regional courses are taught at universities than in the years when I was a student there. The number of textbooks on regional or continental subjects has also considerably decreased. Still, Germans continue to be curious travelers and avid readers of travel accounts and popularizing books on environmental deterioration, climate change, or historical landscapes. These preferences will probably keep alive, at least for a while, the general interest in works that are categorized as geographical reading. On this side of the Atlantic, we can only lament that the Europeans, who consider Anglo America as the trendsetter, are following in our footsteps

Genealogical Studies

The Caviedes family is a small one. Francisco Gutierrez de Caviedes arrived in Chile in 1605 and settled near Rancagua . During 2003 enquiries were made in Rancagua and Santiago about the family lines that proceed from this ancestor.Miguel Caviedes in Spain maintains an attractive homepage about the original Caviedes from a place near Santander, northern Spain    Historia de Caviedes


The Caviedes Family and the painter Juan Francisco Gonzalez

Around 1886 this famous Chilean painter lived at the Caviedes home in Valparaiso. Several oil paintings are still in the possession of family members . For more Detailed Info (in Spanish)

Teaching Abroad

In the Fall of 2005 a class on the Geography of North America was given at the Center for American Studies of the University of Heidelberg and in the Summer Semester of 2006 a course on Contemporary Climate Variations and another on Natural Hazards were offered at the Humboldt University of Berlin.


In the summer of 2002 two courses were taught at the Institute of Geography of the Humboldt University of Berlin . Pictures & Course Listings - Summer 2002

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