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This is where all my recent school projects will be uploaded (note that they are organized by the software used to create them).

Code Composer (C and Assembly)

Wrote many programs in assembly for the TI TMS320C28x series DSP

Lab1 - Memory Initialization via .mif file
Lab3 - Switch LED on and off via GPIO and delay loops
Lab4 - IO port and Keypad
Lab5 - SCI
Lab6 - LCD A-D converter
Lab7 - Making Sound with ePWM systems, interrupts, and timers, while using keypad to play the note.
Lab8 - Input Capture and compare - playing sound via a TV remote control


Mainly used in digital logic, digital design, and computer architecture.

Lab4 (MPA) - Chip Select
Lab3 - Decoder
Lab6 - ALU
Lab7 - A bunch of stuff including A VHD file, and some uses for flip flops (Saved as quartus archive)
Lab8 - Elementary CPU

Quartus, ModelSim and VHDL

The lab portion of Digital Computer Architecture is to design a 5 stage pipelined MIPS processor with data forwarding and hazard detection entirely in VHDL.

5 Stage MIPS processor final report (PDF Hosted by dropbox)

Java / Netbeans / Eclipse

Project 2 for Computer Organization: Given a set of binary, convert it into MIPS assembly and execute it.

Minesweeper: The project was to write a computer game with a GUI, I decided on minesweeper.


While working at AMD as a co-op, I used Perl for data processing scripts. The input for the scripts was a proprietary data storage format, and the final output was .png graphs and a web page that linked to all of the plots.

C and C++

My C++ experience comes from a class called data structures. The C++ programs were used to expand our understanding of the language , explore different data structures and write more efficient code. My average mark for the bi-weekly projects in the class was a 98.9%.

My C experience is centered around writing code for processors such as the ATmega324p (similar to the chip in Arduino boards) and the TI TMS320C28x DSP.


This and other websites that include (2011).

PCB board design with Altium 10

In Junior design we were required to make our own PCB boards for any designs we created. This led me to a working understanding of Altium 10.


High school Drafting experience drawing houses and yard layouts. I do not have any samples available.

Matlab / Octave

Used in many classes such as Circuits 2, Advanced Engineering Mathematics and Linear Algebra. I do not have any samples available.

Special Thanks to Tri Pham