Groundstrike Property Maintenance. - 2008

    Proprietor: Travis Simmons. Tel: 352-339-5004.
    Designed page to meet client's request of being able to up-load pictures without needing my assistance.

CAEGEA. – 2007.

    Caja de Ahorros de los Empleados de la Gobernación del Estado Aragua.

    Manager: Licenciada Yuveida Loreto.
    Tel: 011 58 0243-2378054, Cel.: 011 58 0414-4630175.

    Designed graphical components used in the page, and worked in conjunction with the programmer to complete the page.

Caprellanos - 2006

    Caja de Previsión Social de los Trabajadores de CADAFE/Eleoccidente.

    Manager: Licenciado Wilmaro Torres.
    Tel: 011 58 0257-251-7242, Cel. 011 58 0416-757-3441.

    Designed graphical components used in the page, and worked in conjunction with the programmer to complete the page.

CAPEAPEP – 2005.

    Caja de Ahorro de Previsión Social de los Empleados de la Administración Publica del Estado Portuguesa.

    Manager: Profesor Luis Francisco Sánchez.
    Tel: 011 58 0257-251-5507, Cel.: 011 58 0416-159-4908.

    Designed graphical components used in the page, and worked in conjunction with the programmer to complete the page.

    Prior to working on the website in 2005.  From 2001 -2002 at CAPEAPEP I built computers, installed windows operating systems and related software, set up local area networks, and performed software and hardware troubleshooting.