Hi my name is Sean Frucht and this website is dedicated to my robots Ender and Kitten.
Your name: Sean Frucht
Your robot's name: Ender & Kitten
Your robot's website: http://plaza.ufl.edu/seanfrucht
Description: I have built two walking robots, Ender and Kitten. Ender is a biped robot which walks on two feet much like a human, he is designed with 4 degrees of freedom per leg (3 less than the 7 main degrees of freedom that a human leg has). Kitten is a quadruped which walks on 4 legs (each with 3 degrees of freedom) and is a smaller version of Seon Kim's "CAT" from last semester. Ender loves to chase Kitten around the room and does so through use of sensors mounted on his waist.