Oppenheimer Lab

Lab Members

These are the people that make it all possible

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Paris H. Grey

Coordinator of Research Programs

Paris joined the lab in 1994. Paris' research projects include: a functional analysis of the FRC3 protein, genetic engineering of trichomes for heavy metal removal, and high-throughput in situ expression analysis of genes involved in flower development in basal angiosperms.

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Zhengui "Patrick" Zheng

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Patrick joined the lab in 2003 and has developed high-throughput methods to examine gene expression in situ. Patrick is currently studying a novel transcriptional regulator of flower development, and is examining the expression of several hundred transcriptional regulators in several basal angiosperm species.

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Hexin Guan

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Guan joined the lab in 2004 and has been conducting functional analyses on several novel genes identified through a comparative genomics approach.

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Xiaoguo Zhang

PhD Student

Xiaoguo joined the lab in 1999 and has been studying several genes that control trichome branch initiation and elongation in Arabidopsis. One of these genes, ITB1, encodes a homolog of Scar/WAVE, which regulates the Arp2/3 complex. The Arp2/3 complex is a regulator of actin polymerization in both plant and animal cells.

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Stacey Jeffries

PhD Student

Stacey earned her BS in Biology at Stillman College in Alabama in 2000. She joined the lab in 2001 and studies the function of the microtubule severing protein, katanin, in plant cell morphogenesis and its interactions with a novel kinesin.

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Meredith Sullivan

MS Student

Meredith joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher. In 2003, she continued her studies in the Oppenheimer lab as a graduate student. Meredith uses high-throughput methods to examine the in situ expression patterns of 25 different transcriptional regulator genes.

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Last updated: 4 Mar 2005