Water Security Problems
Solving Water Problems
Solving Water Problems continued
Food Security Problems
Solving Food Problems
Solving Food Problems continued
Bibliography |
the Food Security Problems
Solving the Food Security
Problems in Chad is complicated. This is a problem that has existed
for quite some
time. In order to eliminate
the complete problem with Food Security, it is necessary to solve each
and every problem that causes the Food Security Problems. First off,
it is necessary to work out the water problems that cause food shortages.
The two main water problems, low water levels and low rainfall, are a
main concern. It is easier to fix the low water levels, considering that
the low rainfall is out of everyone’s control. (Fews.net 2001)

There have been many actions taken already to solve this problem.
There has been a multi-nation agency formed to manage water resources.
(Fews.net 2001) One
solution that this agency has recommended is to build a series of dams
and channels in an effort to end drought for good. There is also a
plan to build a pipeline at the Congo Basin, which will provide
water for the country Chad. (Misanet.com 2000) Some surrounding countries
are planning on moving water from other rivers into Lake Chad in
an attempt
to raise
the water level and return the lake to its original size. All of these
plans are steps in the right direction to help the food security problems
in Chad. By eliminating the water shortage, it will also help to eliminate
the food shortage. In order to completely eliminate the Food Shortage
problem in Chad, these agencies and plans need to be put into action.
The pipeline and the plan to use water supply from other rivers to
raise the water level of Lake Chad are the most important plans
of action.
The pipeline will solve the drought problems because the non-existent
rainfall will no longer affect the farmers’ production. Instead,
when there is a drought, they can simply use the pipes and irrigation
for the necessary water.
