
General Facts

Water Security Problems

Solving Water Problems

Solving Water Problems continued

Food Security Problems

Solving Food Problems

Solving Food Problems continued



Food Security Problems


(WFP-World Food Program)

Chad is a relatively poor, landlocked country located in West Africa, in the middle of the Sahel. One of Chad’s main concerns is the country’s big problem with Food Security. Many different factors play a part in this problem. The Main factor of this problem is the location of Chad. Chad is located in the middle of a desert area. Due to this, there is usually poor rainfall during the rainy season. Because the country Chad doesn’t receive the necessary amount of rainfall to properly farm and harvest for each year, there is usually a food shortage in Chad. (WFP 2003) The lack of rainfall prevents farmers from properly growing and harvesting food for the Country.


Usually when countries experience a drought during their rainy season, the farmers use irrigation from their rivers and lakes to assist in farming. The country Chad is unable to use water from their rivers and lakes due to the low water levels. The main body of water in Chad is Lake Chad. This lake has been shrinking over time. This lake was once much bigger than it currently is. Due to this, the water level of this lake is also low. The country Chad cannot afford to borrow water from the lake to assist in the year’s harvest. Along with the low water level in Lake Chad, the two main rivers, the Chari and the Logone, which empty into Lake Chad are experiencing low water levels as well. ( 2000) The low water levels of these bodies of water are directly affecting the Food supply in Chad.

Another big part of the Food Problem in Chad is the lack of money and development in the country. This area of Africa is lacking roads, health services, and schools. (Integrated Regional Information Networks 2003) Because of the lack of money and development, there is in turn no development in farming either. Without the proper development and tools to properly farm, there is always going to be a shortage of Food.