

Career Plan

Instructional Material Report

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Khayla Johnson

Broward Hall ~ Gainesville, FL., 32612 ~ Khayla@ufl.edu ~ (352) 250-2498


Seeking an internship that will both challenge and enhance my skills as I become a Health Educator


Bachelors of Science in Health Education
University of Florida
Specialization in Community Health Education

May 2009
Gainesville, FL


Graduate Hall Director
Broward Hall, University of Florida

  • Building Supervisor of one of the largest Residence Halls on campus, capacity of 700
  • Manage any crisis that is out of the Resident Assistant’s expectations or capabilities
  • Responsible for Judicial Hearings for residents that break any Housing or UF student code of conduct standards.

August 2008-Present
Department of Housing, Gainesville, FL

Resident Assistant
Jennings Hall, University of Florida

  • Was responsible for, and lived with, 75 girls, most in their first year of college.
  • Trained in crisis management including suicide and victim assault.
  • Experienced in planning, publicizing, and implementing programs of the educational and entertaining nature.
  • Organized building wide programs in collaboration with such organizations as Hillel and Salsa Caliente, UF’s salsa dance class.
  • Awarded the Community Development award every semester for the close relationships that I was able to foster on my floor.

August 2006 - May2008
Department of Housing, Gainesville, FL


Ways and Means Officer
Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority

  • In charge of fund-raising for entire sorority, 50 members.
  • Ordered Stadium Bags for entire 300+ members of Gator Band.
  • Arranged Gator Band Alumni BBQ lunch for 200 people.
  • Worked with companies in organizing fund-raisers.

2006 - 2007
University of Florida

Gainesville Humane Society

  • Help to exercise and care for 20+ dogs, clean living areas and help develop domestication amongst the 60+ cats

October 2007 - Present
Gainesville, Florida

Shands Hospital, Arts in Medicine Program

  • Help patients make arts and crafts on the transplant floor. Crafts include collaging, dream catchers, and stuffed animals that are then sent to children in Africa.

Gainesville, Florida


  • References upon request
  • I love arts, crafts and creativity, so I try to work that into everything that I do
  • I enjoy playing the oboe for the University of Florida Concert Band

Broward Hall
Gainesville, FL 32612

Updated 14.Nov.2008

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