

Career Plan

Instructional Material Report

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Academic Interest

As a Health Education and Behavior Major, I have been submersed into the world of preventative health treatment. Not just the physical health that first comes to mind, but all six dimensions of health. The topic of interest that I have fallen in love with covers all six of those. Sex Education is where my academic interest, and future, lies. It’s both controversial and becoming increasingly popular. All parts of sex education interest me. Whether it’s teaching it at public schools, or working with an organization like Planned Parenthood, or being a Sex Therapist, I have never found a topic that captivates me the way Sex Education does.

Career Plan

I am currently in my senior year at the University of Florida and will be graduating with a Bachelor in Science at the end of this upcoming summer. While I may not know exactly which career path is meant for me, I do know that I am meant to help people. And that is what I strive for everyday. The career path that I am currently most passionate about is the one that leads to becoming a therapist with a specialization in sexual education. I will be taking the GRE soon, and with my scores, begin applying to graduate schools. I will be applying to one of two Masters Programs; Masters in Psychology, or a Masters in Marriage and Family. That will take two years, during which I will take all the required course work, along with taking as many extracurricular courses I can find that focus on sexuality. Also throughout my two years of Graduate study, I will be gaining as many clinical hours as I can so that I can be the best therapist possible. As I enter my third year of my Three Year Career Plan, I want to begin working in the field after getting licensed in the state I will be working in. I have not decided which state that will be. I’m going to allow the next three years to point me in that direction.

Broward Hall
Gainesville, FL 32612

Updated 14.Nov.2008