Photo of Javier Edwards


Name:Javier Edwards
Year in School: Junior
Major: Photojournalism

The Run-down

Q: How long have you been saved?
A: I have been saved for about one year and 3 months.

Q: How did you begin your walk with God?
A: Well I used to be an atheist but I attended a program called Breakthrough at First Assembly of God last summer and it was where I gave my life to Christ.

Q: Has it been difficult to remain a Christian while in college?
A: At times it may seem like it because of all the temptation, but once you realize who you are in Christ, you soon begin to understand the power you have over all temptaion around you. It is easy to see people partying, or stepping, or getting girls and remember all the things you liked before you were saved. However, it is very rewarding to know that those things no longer dictate your life.

Q: What would you advise another current or future college student to do in order to stay stron in their faith?
A: Hang around and associate with other believers, find a good church home, and spend time with God.

Photo of Camille Anglin


Name: Camille Anglin
Year in School: Graduating Senior - Class of 2011
Major: Biochemistry and Criminology and Law

The Run-down

Q: How long have you been saved?
A: I have been saved since Fall 2009 so about 2 years.

Q: How did you begin your walk with God?
A: I finally stopped running! (lol). God truly spoke to me during the beginning of a Word Up meeting.

Q: Has it been difficult to remain a Christian while in college?
A: It was especially difficult with all the outside influences of my friends and simply college.

Q: What would you advise another current or future college student to do in order to stay stron in their faith?
A: Realize and remember that Christianity is a process in which you must make sure you are continuously growing. Although you can't be too hard on yourself you must strive daily to become the man or woman of God you are called to be. Also you both can't and shouldn't do it alone but instead have a church home, and Godly relationships like mentors.