My Other Websites

Brown Ribbon Pages I've just started working in collaberation with Chris Rywalt on the Brown Ribbon website to spread diarrhea awareness.  Chris started it a while ago, and hopefully with my help it can be finished.


Still Lake Yoga This is a site that I built for my Mom's yoga business.  As it was my first built-from-scratch website, it's quality is not too good in my opinion (especially considering the work put into it).  I know better now and I'm redesigning the site (see below). 2.0

Though still in the works, this flash based website design promises to be far better than the original, choppy design of the website.  Try playing chords with the buttons.
C.A.N.T. Pages A work in progress, this site will attempt to parody some of the crazy solutions people have proposed for dealing with terrorism.


Other People's Websites

Prank Calls

Blackout's Box The best prank calls on the Web.  Hands down.  Seriously.
College Sucks I have to take back what I said above.  I just found this one, which also has some damn good pranks.  I think Blackout still has a slight lead, but this one wins for prolificosity.  It's definitly not hands down anymore, though.

Other Stuff

Live 365 Free internet radio.  They've got tons of stations playing anything you can think of.  It's better quality than FM, too.


Tons of resources for authoring flash movies.  Oddly enough, I've never used it for this purpose, but I've gotten a lot of sound loops from them for using with Sonic Foundry's Acid Pro.
Teoma Thoush I still use Google out of habit, when I can't find it there, I go to Teoma.  In my opinion, it's a much better engine. 
Elfwood Tons and tons of galleries of fantasy and sci-fi art.  I'll have one as soon as I figure out a good way to scan in my work.
John Dillenger A photo from John Dillenger's first arrest.


Many of the graphics on this site were created by Jolie Joyau Web Graphics.  Check it out!